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Vacancy for M.Pharm candidates for the post of Junior Research Fellow in University Institute of Pharmaceutical Science & Research

Clinical research courses

Applications are invited for the following post purely time-bound research project undertaken in the University Institute of Pharmaceutical Science & Research, Sadiq Road, (old Medical College building), Faridkot

Post: Junior Research Fellow

Name of the project: Project titled ‘Role of Neurotransmitter(s) in pathophysiology of Parkinson and Hutington’s diseases: Possible drug targets

Name of the sponsoring agency: Department of Science & Technology (DST)-SERB, New Delhi

Duration of the project: Three years ( 03)

Consolidated salary: Rs. 16,000/- for 1st & 2nd year with 12.5% HRA (HRA admissible if the stay is outside the campus)

Essential Qualification: M.Pharm/MS (Pharmacology), GPAT/GATE qualified.

The applications received without legible copies of documents or apparently containing incomplete information and those received after prescribed date & time will be summarily rejected.

Applicant must possess the requisite qualification by the last date of receipt of application.

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The Application with complete CV containing qualification, experience, publications/presentations, mailing address, contact number, e-mail address along with a brief note on future research interest supported by attested copies of all relevant certificate/documents should reach in the Office of the Principal, University Institute of Pharmaceutical Science & Research, Sadiq Road, (old Medical College building), Faridkot is 31.12.2013 upto 4.00 P.M

No traveling or any other allowances is admissible for attending the interview.

Tenure of the JRF will be initially for a period of 2 years and will be extended for 3rd year based on performance.

Candidates will be short listed for the interview based on merit and will be informed though post or email.

Preference will be given to the candidates whoever having valid GATE/GPATscore

For technical information of the project, the candidate may contact the Principal Investigator at the following address
Name : Dr. Puneet Kumar Bansal
Address : University Institute of Phamaceutical Science & Research
(Constituent college of Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, Faridkot) Sadiq Road, Faridkot
E-mail :

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