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Vacancy for Pharma Assistant in HLL Lifecare - under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India

Clinical research courses

HLL Lifecare Limited, a Mini Ratna Central Public Sector Enterprise under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India is a global provider of high quality healthcare products & services. With state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities spanning across India, HLL is diversifying into vaccine manufacturing, lifecare services, sanitary napkins besides engaging in procurement consultancy, healthcare infrastructure development and facility management.

Post: Pharma Assistant

No. of Positions: One

Tasks: Operational work

Maximum Age:  Maximum Age:  Not more than 37 yrs.
Relaxation for 5 yrs for SC/ST & 3 yrs.for OBC

Scale of Pay: Rs.7000/- (Consolidated Pay)

Pay: Annual CTC  : Rs.1.50 Lakhs (approx.) at the minimum of the scale.

Essential: D. Pharma with 60% of marks

Contract Type: Fixed Term Contract

General conditions:

  1. Shortlisted candidates only will be called for the interview.
  2. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.
  3. Applications should be accompanied by Resume with details of job experience for assessing suitability to the post applied for.
  4. Applicants applied already need not apply again.
  5. The envelope should be superscribed with the name of the Post Applied for:
    Apply only in the prescribed application format available with this website along detailed resume.

Interested candidates may send their resume only in the format downloaded from the website with copies of Educational Qualification, Experience and Community certificates along with recent passport size photograph to the following address on or before 09.01.2014:

KANAGALA - 591 225,
Hukkeri -Taluka
Belgaum – District
Karnataka - State


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