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Walk- in-Test cum Interview for recruitment of Research Associate at IISR | M.Pharm/M.Sc

Clinical research courses

The Indian Institute of Spices Research (IISR), Kozhikode (Calicut) a constituent body of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) is a major Institute devoted to research on spices. In 1976, it started as a Regional Station of the Central Plantation Crops Research Institute (CPCRI), Kasaragod engaged in research on spices.
A National Research Centre for Spices was established in 1986 with its headquarters at Kozhikode, Kerala by merging the erstwhile Regional Station of CPCRI at Kozhikode and Cardamom Research Centre at Appangala, Karnataka. Realising the importance of Spices Research in India this Research Centre was upgraded to Indian Institute of Spices Research on 1st July, 1995.

Post: Research Associate

Walk- in- Test cum Interview (based on test) for the selection of Research Associate  (Bioinformatics) under the scheme ‘Distributed Information Sub  Centre- DISC’ will be held at this Institute as per details indicated below. 

No. of posts : One

Qualifications :
a)Essential:   Doctorate degree in Bioinformatics or Biotechnology/   Life Sciences/Biochemistry with experitse in Bioinformatics as evidenced by publications.
Three years research experience after MVSc/ MPharm/ ME/ MTech with Bioinformatics Specialization.
b) Desirable: Experience in handling NGS data Programming skills in Python/Bioperl

Emoluments: Rs:22000/- per month + HRA (higher pay upto Rs.24000/- can be paid depending on the qualifications and experience.

Upper age limit: 40 years for Men & 45 years for Women as on date of  Interview (Upper Age limits are relaxable for SC, ST and OBC candidates as per Govt. of India norms (at  present 5 years for SC/ST and 3 years for OBC)

Duration of Project: Till the closure of the project. 

General Terms and conditions
1. The above positions are purely on temporary basis and is co-terminus with the closure of  the project. There is no provision of re-employment after termination of project.  The selected candidate will not have any right for claiming pay scale or absorption  against any regular post being vacant on a later date at this Institute.
2 . No TA/DA will be paid for attending the Interview.
3. Canvassing in any form will lead to cancellation of candidate.
4. The decision of Director, IISR would be final and binding in all aspects.
5. Candidates will not be permitted to enter the Examination Hall after 10.00 A.M.
6. Candidates who secure the minimum marks prescribed by the Institute in written test only will be eligible for calling for the interview. The number of candidates to be   called for the interview will be decided by the Director of the Institute.
7 Those who do not possess original Degree/PG certificate or Provisional certificate will  not be allowed to attend the Test/Interview.        

Note: All relevant certificates (in original) and bio data,  No objection certificate in case he/she is employed elsewhere and experience certificate in  original (if any) need to be produced at the time of interview.

Location of IISR Kozhikode Main Campus - Pallithazham bus stop between Moozhikkal  East and Chelavoor on the NH 212 ”Kozhikode - Kollegal” Road.

Date of Interview : 21 -01-2014 at 10.00 A.M

(Indian Council of Agricultural Research)
Marikunnu P.O., Kozhikode – 673 012, Kerala


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