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Position of Junior Research Fellow for project funded by DST @ Dr. Reddy's Institute of Life Sciences

Clinical research courses

The Institute of Life Sciences was conceived in the context of globalization, to foster research competence in India and to bridge the divide between academic research and the pharmaceutical & biotechnology industries. The institute was incorporated as a non-profit entity under Section 25 of the Indian companies act, facilitating operational autonomy. Construction of the ILS building comprising 44 labs and an administrative block and spanning -130,000 sq.ft. in area, began in 2004 and was completed in January 2007. The institute was inaugurated as a public-private partnership research institute on 29th January 2007, a culmination of the efforts and initiative of the Andhra Pradesh state government, Dr. Reddy's laboratories and the University of Hyderabad. The institute is located in the southeast corner of the campus of the University, one of the largest and greenest campuses in India.
The institute was renamed as Dr. Reddy's Institute of Life Sciences in 2012 and dedicated to innovation in the pharmaceutical sciences

Post: Junior Research Fellow

Project: Identifying and characterizing noncoding RNA regulators of chromatin in fission yeast.
Funding Source: DST
Project description: The project work will be focused on determining the role played by noncoding RNA elements in the establishment and regulation of silent heterochromatin in fission yeast. The research will involve molecular biology, biochemistry and simple fission yeast genetics skills.
• Academically good Masters degree in Life Sciences (Biology/Molecular Biology/Biotechnology/Chemical Biology/Cell Biology).
• Candidates with prior laboratory experience working with RNA or fission yeast will be given preference.
Stipend: Rs. 12,000/- + 30% HRA per month

Duration: Maximum of three years. The appointment is purely temporary, may be renewed yearly based on performance and co-terminus with the project.
Last Date: January 20, 2014.

Short listed candidates will be informed via E-mail for the date of interview. No TA & DA will be paid for attending the interview.

Email- id: Interested candidates send their updated resume to mentioning the code “DRILS-SERB/AS/ICNRNA/13” in subject line.

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