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Career for Pharmacists as Store Keeper (27 posts) in All India Institute of Medical Sciences

Clinical research courses

All India Institute of Medical Sciences is one of the six AIIMS established under Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojna to bring the most sophisticated healthcare to the last man in the queue.
They will deliver this by creating a compassionate, caring, creative and clinical health work force with the logistics to integrate with the existing health care system and to build the capacity through collaboration and integration so that the common man gets the care at his/ her door step.

Online applications are invited from Indian citizens for filling up the following Group ‘A’ & Group ‘B’ regular posts at AIIMS Patna on direct recruitment basis.

Post: Store Keeper

No.of Post: 27

Pay Scale & Grade pay: Rs 9300 - 34800 GP 4200

PAY SCALE & GP: Group’B’ Rs 9300-34800+ GP 4200

AGE LIMIT FOR DIRECT RECRUITMENT: 18-25 years (Relaxable upto 40 years in the case of employees of AIIMS.)

(I) Qualifications for store keeping in General
(A) Essential:-
Master’s Degree in Economics/Commerce/Statistics
Experience in handling stores and keeping accounts in a store or a concern of repute in public or private sector. OR
(B) Bachelor’ degree in Economics/Commerce/Statistics.
(ii) Post-Graduate Degree/Diploma in Material Management of a recognised University/Institution or equivalent.
Experience in handling stores and keeping accounts in a store preferably medical, or a concern of repute in public or private sector.
(C) (i) Degree of a recognised University or equivalent
(ii) Post-graduate degree/Diploma in Material Management of a recognised University/ Institution; or
(iii) Three years experience in handling, preferably medical stores in Govt., public or private sector.

(II) Qualifications for store keeping in Drugs
(A) Essential:-
Degree in Pharmacy from a recognised University/Institution
Experience in storing and distribution of drugs in drug store of a hospital or a well established pharmaceutical concern.
(B) Essential:-
i) Diploma in Pharmacy from a recognised Institution/Boards;
ii) Three years experience in drug store of a hospital or a well established pharmaceutical concern.
If the vacancy is that of Store Keeper (Drugs) the recruitment shall be on the basis of the qualifications prescribed under (II) above. In filling a vacancy of a Store Keeper in any other area, the qualification laid down under (I) above shall be followed.

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1. The aspiring applicants satisfying the eligibility criteria in all aspects can submit their ONLINE application. The On-line application(s) will be available on AIIMS, PATNA website w.e.f 21.12.2013 10.00 A.M. to 31.01.2014 5:00 P.M. No documents including the printed / hard copy of on-line application are required to be sent by post. However, all the applicants are advised to keep one printed / hard copy of their application till the time of Interview.

2. The applicants applying in response to this advertisement should satisfy themselves regarding their eligibility (Essential & age limit) for the respective post and must fulfill all the eligibility criteria on the specified last date of receipt of application.

3. For filling up of Online application, candidates must have the following pre requisites ready
- Valid e-mail ID
- Scanned Passport size photograph (in JPG format)
- Scanned signature of the candidate (in JPG format)
- Online payment of the required application fee

4. Individual application and application fee to be submitted/remitted for each post(s) (in case of candidates applying for more than one post).

5. The On-line Registration will be terminated by 05:00 PM on 31.01.2014. The candidature of such applicants who fail to complete the online application process, submission and payment of application fees by the stipulated date and time will not be considered and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained.

6. Application Fees (Non – Refundable):
General/OBC Category - Rs.1000/-
SC/ST category - Rs.500/-
Transaction Charges are additional as per policy of the banks concerned.
Payment should be made through online payment mode ONLY. Payment through any other medium will not be accepted.

7. Preview of the candidate Photo and Signature must be clearly visible to candidate, if photo/signature image is shown small or not visible in preview on website online then it mean photo/signature is not as per the AIIMS, PATNA prescribed format and your application will be rejected. So, be careful while uploading your photo and signature. Both must be visible clearly on Registration Slip.

8. Upper age limit is relaxable up to 5 years for SC/ST candidates and Government Servants*, 3 years for OBC and 10 years for the Physically Handicapped Persons. The upper age limit shall be determined as on the last date of submission of application as specified.
(*Government Servants means Permanent (Regular) employees of Central/State Government).

9. Selection Methodology:
Depending on the total number of applications received, institute will device appropriate selection methods (viz., written test and / or interview).

10. Candidates applying under any of the reserved category viz. SC/ST/OBC/ will be considered subject to submission of Caste Certificate on a prescribed format recognized by Government of India. OBC candidates should not belong to Creamy Layer. Their caste should tally with the Central List of OBC, failing which their candidature will not be considered under any of the applied reserved category and will be treated as Unreserved.

12. All the original certificates/documents will be verified at the time of Interview.
i) Copy of on-line application form.
ii) UG Degree/Diploma /PG Degree etc certificates as proof of eligibility for the post (as
per advertisement)
iii) Certificate of passing High School or its equivalent from a recognized University/Board.
iv) Caste certificate if applied under SC/ST/OBC category issued by the competent
vi) No Objection Certificate if in regular employment.
vii) Experience certificate(s).
viii) Government of India approved Photo Identity Card
ix) Any other relevant documents (as applicable)

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13. No TA/DA shall be admissible for appearing in the written test or Interview.

14. The candidates must ensure that they fulfill eligibility criteria and that the particulars furnished by them in the application are correct and complete in all respects. Mere appearance for the written examination/ interview/ skill test by a candidate does not imply that the candidate is eligible for the post. If at any stage it is found that the candidate has furnished any incorrect information or has suppressed material fact(s), his/her candidature will stand cancelled. If any of these shortcoming(s) is/are detected even after the appointment, his/her services will be summarily terminated as well as other necessary legal proceedings might be initiated. In other cases also where anything is detected at any stage of selection or employment, which undermines the eligibility of the candidate on any account; his/her employment is liable for termination.

15. The offer of appointment when made will be provisional and subject to verification of credentials (Educational & Personal) by competent authority.

16. The period of Probation shall be of 2 years.

17. Appointment of selected candidates is subject to his/her being declared medically fit by competent Medical Board.

18. Applicants who are in regular employment must submit a “NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE” from the employers at the time of Interview.

19. Decision of the AIIMS, Patna in all matters regarding conduct of examination, interview, verification of documents and selection would be final and binding on all candidates. No correspondence whatsoever would be entertained in this regard.

20. Canvassing in any form shall lead to the disqualification of the candidate concerned. No communication: telephonic / in-person/ postal or whatsoever in this regard will be entertained during any time of the selection process.

21. Director AIIMS Patna reserves the right of any amendment, cancellation and changes to this advertisement as a whole or in part without assigning any reason.

22. All disputes will be subject to jurisdictions of Court of Law at Patna.

23 In case of any assistance or clarifications please contact:
please quote your Application ID & Post Applied in the Subject line of your email.



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