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Applications are invited in AIIMS for the post of Store Keeper (Drugs)

Clinical research courses

All-India Institute of Medical Sciences was established as an institution of national importance by an Act of Parliament with the objects to develop patterns of teaching in Undergraduate and Post-graduate Medical Education in all its branches so as to demonstrate a high standard of Medical Education in India; to bring together in one place educational facilities of the highest order for the training of personnel in all important branches of health activity; and to attain self-sufficiency in Post-graduate Medical Education.

Applications are invited in the prescribed form through online mode for filling of various Group ‘B’ and Group ‘C’posts at AIIMS, New Delhi are as under:

Post: Store Keeper (Drugs)

Number of Post (s)*: 1 (SC)

Scale of Pay: PB-2 Rs.9300-34800 + Grade Pay of Rs.4200

Degree in Pharmacy from a recognised University/Institution
Experience in storing and distribution of drugs in drug store of a hospital or a well established pharmaceutical concern.
(i) Diploma in Pharmacy from a recognised Institution/Boards;
(ii) Three years’ experience in drug store of a hospital or a well established pharmaceutical concern.

Upper Age Limit: 25 years

1. The aspiring applicants satisfying the eligibility criteria in all respect can submit their application only through ON-LINE mode. The On-line registration of applications is made available on AIIMS web site from 02.12.2013 A.M. to 31.12.2013 5:00 P.M. No documents including the Registration Slip of on-line application form is required to be sent, however, all the applicants are advised to keep a copy of registration slip with them, alongwith proof of payment (a copy of challan / online payment receipt) for their record.

2. The applicants applying in response to this advertisement should satisfy themselves regarding their eligibility for the post applied for and must fulfill all the eligibility criteria on or before 31.12.2013, failing which their application will be rejected.

3. The On-line Registration will be closed by 05:00 PM on 31.12.2013. The candidature of such applicants who fails to complete the online registration by the stipulated date and time will not be considered and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained.

4. Those applying on 31.12.2013 i.e. on the last date of closing of online registration and generated bank challan to deposit the fee through challan mode, can deposit fee in the nearest branch of State Bank of India latest by next two working days i.e. till 02.01.2014. Payment after 02.01.2014 will be treated as no payment and no request for refund will be entertained.

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5. The separate application form duly completed in all respect may be filled for the separate post (s) in case candidate apply for more than one post.

6. Application Fees: For Unreserved/ OBC candidate Rs.500/- (Rs.100/- for SC/ST candidates). The application fee once remitted shall not be refunded. The candidate can pay the prescribed application fee through a CHALLAN form (to be downloaded from internet while applying on-line) in any branch of State Bank Of India OR through DEBIT CARD/ CREDIT CARD. Transaction/ Processing fee, if any, as applicable, will be payable to the bank by the candidate.
Note: The Physically Handicapped candidates are not required to deposit any fee.

7. Preview of the candidate Photo and Signature must be clearly visible to candidate, if photo/signature image is displayed small or not visible in preview on website, which means photo/signature is not as per the AIIMS prescribed format and your application will be rejected. So, be careful while uploading your photo and signature. Both must be visible clearly on Registration Slip.

8. The candidates are advised to bring Admit Card downloaded from AIIMS website at the time of Written Test / Interview and hand over the same to the Invigilator during marking their attendance, failing which their candidature/performance in the written test / Interview will not be considered.

9. Upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years for SC/ST candidates and Government Servants*, 3 years for OBC and 10 years for the Physically Handicapped Persons. (*Government Servants means Permanent (Regular) employees of Central/State Government.) Relaxable upto 40 years ( at Sl.No. 4, 5, 8, 9, 14, 15, 16 & 17 ) in case of employees of AIIMS. The upper age limit shall be determined as on last date of receipt of applications.

10. The Candidates who had applied in response to the Institute’s earlier advertisement for 04 posts of Perfusionist in the Employment News dated 2nd – 8th January, 2010 need not apply again.

11. The written test / Interview will be held in Delhi only. The candidates are advised to download their Admit Card from AIIMS web site as no admit card will be sent by post. The Admit Cards will be hosted on AIIMS website.

12. On the basis of written test the candidates will be short-listed for Interview. Date and Time of Interview will be intimated to such candidates separately in due course.

13. i) Candidates applying under any of the reserved category viz. SC/ST/OBC will be considered subject to submission of Caste certificate on a prescribed format issued by the competent authority at the time of Interview. Community should be clearly mentioned in the certificate.
ii) OBC candidate’s eligibility will be based on Castes borne in the Central List of Govt. of India. OBC candidates should not belong to Creamy Layer. Their Sub-caste should match with the entries in Central List of OBC, failing which their candidature will not be considered under any of the applied reserved category and will be treated as UR.
iii) Physical Disability Certificate should be issued from a duly constituted and authorized Medical Board.

14. All the original certificates/documents will be verified at the time of Interview. On the basis of written test, the shortlisted candidates must bring all original certificates of Essential and Desirable Qualifications along with one set of photocopy, duly attested, viz.:
i) Copy of downloaded Registration Slip of on-line application form.
ii) Copy of downloaded Admit Card.
iii) Certificate showing the Date of Birth.
iv) Caste certificate if applied under SC/ST/OBC category issued by the competent authority.
v) Disability Certificate, if applied under PH category.
vi) ‘No Objection Certificate’ if in regular employment.
vii) Experience certificate, if any.

15. Those who are in employment must submit a “NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE” from the employers at the time of Interview.

16. Any dispute in regard to any matter referred to herein shall be subject to the jurisdiction of Delhi Courts alone.

17. GUIDELINES / INSTRUCTIONS TO FILL APPLICATION FORM:- See the Help Manual available online at




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