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Vacancies for faculties as Associate Professor, Assistant Professor in SPMV - 3 posts

Clinical research courses

Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam (University for Women) was founded in the year 1983 by Sri N.T.Rama Rao, the then Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, with the fervent desire to train women students as better builders of the Nation and to inculcate skills of leadership in all aspects of life.The University was established under the Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam Act of 1983, which has come into force on the 14 of April 1983. It was started with ten faculties and 300 students and twenty staff members. Today the University has a student population of 2700 and an academic staff 250. This year the University is going to have 59 courses at the post-graduate and undergraduate level and a good component of research.

Applications are invited on the prescribed form for the following faculty positions. The prescribed application form may be downl oaded from the website, Filled in applications, along with a Registration fee of Rs.2,000/- (Rupees two thousand only) by way of D.D. obtained on or after 23-12-2013 on any nationalized bank payable at Tirupati, and drawn in favour of the Registrar, Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam, Tirupati - 517 502 should reach the undersigned on or before 16-01-2014.

Post: Associate Professor, Assistant Professor

The candidates shall satisfy these requirements, in addition to the other requirements and desirable qualifications mentioned below, for consideration of their applications.
For Assistant and Associate Professor only women candidates are eligible to apply.

Associate Professor
No.of post: 2
Category: BC-A, OC

1. A basic degree in Pharmacy (B.Pharm).
2. Registration as a pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act, 1948, as amended from time to time, including any succeeding enactments.
3. A Ph.D. Degree with First Class at Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree in the appropriate branch of specialization in Pharmacy, and experience of eight years in teaching, research, industry and / or profession at the level of Lecturer or equivalent grade; excluding period spent on obtaining the research degree.
In the event the candidate is from industry and the profession, the following shall constitute as essential:
1. First Class Master’s Degree in the appropriate branch of specialization in Pharmacy;
2. Significant professional work which can be recognized as equivalent to a Ph.D. Degree in appropriate branch of specialization in Pharmacy and industrial / Professional experience of eight years in a position equivalent to the level of Lecturer,
Provided that the recognition for significant professional shall be valid only if the same is recommended unanimously by a 3-Member Committee of Experts appointed by the Vice-Chancellor of the University.

1. Teaching, research industrial and/ or Professional experience in a reputed organization
2. Published work, such as research papers, patents file /obtained, books and/ or technical reports; and
3. Experience of guiding the project work, dissertation of postgraduate or research students or supervising R&D projects in industry.
Specializations: Pharmacology/Pharmaceutical Analysis/Pharmaceutics/Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Assistant Professor
No.of post: 1
Category: OC
1. A basic degree in pharmacy (B.Pharm)
2. Registration as a pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act, 1948, as amended from time to time, including any succeeding enactments.
3.First Class Master’s Degree in appropriate branch of specialization in Pharmacy
Desirable: Teaching, research industrial and/ or professional experience in a reputed organization; and papers presented at Conferences and/or in refereed journals.
Specializations: Pharmaceutics/Pharmaceutical Chemistry/Pharmacology/Pharmaceutical Analysis

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Instructions to Candidates
Candidates (Indian Citizens) applying from abroad may note that the registration fee for each application is US $50. A Demand Draft on State Bank of India, Tirupati Main Branch, Tirupati for US $50.00 should be attached to the filled in application of the candidate if the application is sent by post. The application from candidates applying from abroad can also be sent by e-mail to the Registrar, Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam, Tirupati-517 502 Andhra Pradesh, INDIA, to the following

Mode of Interview for Candidates Applying from Abroad
If found qualified will be called for the interview, candidates from abroad will be informed about the date and time of the interview at short notice. Letter will be sent to them by e-mail. They must attend the Interview at the designated place in India as per the requirements of the Interview Call, failing which they will not be considered for the post for which they have applied. All Candidates shall attend for the interview at their own cost

UGC Scales of Pay-2006 Professor:
Associate Professor: Rs. 37,400-67,000+AGP 9000
Assistant Professor: Rs. 15,600-39,100+AGP 6000

1. A copy of the Advertisement is displayed on the website
2. Professor post is open to all. For Assistant and Associate Professor, only women candidates are eligible to apply.
3. Separate application shall be submitted for each post along with registration fee prescribed as per the Notification / Prospectus. Registration fees once paid will not be refunded.
4. The candidates should submit six copies of Abstract along with the application form.
5. The candidate should submit DD for Rs 2000/- in favour of Registrar, SPMVV payable at Tirupati from any nationalized bank towards Registration fee.
6. If the space provided in any column of the application is not sufficient to furnish full details relating to that column, a separate sheet may be attached mentioning the head of the column at the top of sheet.
7. Attested True Copies of all the testimonials, details of educational qualifications, Date of Birth Certificate, Caste Certificate, Experience Certificate, etc., shall be enclosed to the application. All the Original certificates shall be compulsorily produced at the time of the interview for verification and also at the time of joining, if selected.
8. Money Orders/Postal Orders are not acceptable.
9. Candidates belonging to SC / ST / BC categories shall enclose attested true copies of Integrated / Permanent Caste Certificate issued by the M.R.O. / Tahsildar in the prescribed proforma. Candidates from other categories should enclose certificates issued by the competent authorities, failing which their claims will not be considered.
10. Differently abled (OH/HI/VH) candidates should submit a certificate from competent medical authority.
11 (a) Applicants who are employed shall send their applications through the proper channel accompanied by a letter of consent obtained from the employer concerned.
(b) Teachers in the employment of the Universities, etc., shall apply through the proper channel.
(c) If the applicant is selected for the post, he / she will be appointed to the post on the minimum pay of the time scale attached to the post and no protection of last pay drawn in the previous employment will be given unless the Selection Committee which selects him / her specifically recommends such protection and the appointing authority accepts it.
12. Applicants for the posts of Associate Professor / Professor shall submit the API score based on PBAS formats enclosed
13. Canvassing in any form will be construed as a disqualification.
14. Applications received after the due date or incomplete or not confirming to the prescribed format in any respect shall not be considered and no communication shall be entertained in this regard. Any postal delay will not be considered.
15. The candidates should attend the interview at the venue and time & date fixed as specified at his / her own expenses.
16. A candidate who is found to have furnished false particulars or to have suppressed material information or to have been found involved in unlawful activities shall be disqualified, and if appointed, will be liable to be dismissed without any notice.
17. If any candidate was found convicted by a Court of Law involving illegal activities at a later date and such appointment shall be cancelled automatically without any notice.
18. The Selected candidates will be governed by Contributory Pension Scheme as per G.O.Ms. No.653, 654 & 655, Finance (Pen) Dept., dated 22-09-2004. However Revised Pension Rules for the University Teachers, 1992 as per G.O.Ms.No.276, Education (UE.I) Department dated 2-12-1993 and G.O.Ms.No.227, Education (UE.I) Department dated 2-12-1993 shall be made applicable for those who are in service and governed by Revised Pension Rules for the University Teachers, 1992 with amendments made thereof.
19. Selected candidates will be governed by the Contributory Pension Scheme made applicable to all the newly appointed candidates.
20. The University reserves the right to fill or not to fill any or all of the posts advertised. Also the University reserves the right to relax the specialization wherever necessary.
21. Filled in applications in all respects should be sent to the REGISTRAR, Sri Padmavati Mahila Visva Vidyalyam, Tirupati, (A.P.), INDIA, by Registered Post / Speed Post with Acknowledgement due so as to reach University office on or before 16-01-2014 super scribed on the cover as “Application for the post of _______________________”

Application Form Abstract - APIscore-format-(category-II)

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