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Applications are invited for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) to work under the Research Project in Bharathiar University

Clinical research courses

The Bharathiar University was established at Coimbatore by the Government of Tamilnadu in February, 1982 under the provision of the Bharathiar University Act, 1981 (Act 1 of 1982). The Postgraduate Centre of the University of Madras, which was functioning in Coimbatore before 1982 formed the core of the Bharathiar University. In May, 1985 the University received the recognition from University Grants Commission (UGC) New Delhi for the purpose of grants.

Application on plain paper with complete bio-data along with attested photocopies are invited for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) to work under the Research Project entitled "Combinatorial chemopreventive potential of Ficus species and natural non-nutritive compounds against Breast cancer - a novel approach" Sponsored by DST, Science & Engineering Research Board (SERB) New Delhi.

Post: Junior Research Fellow (One)

Qualifications: M.Sc., Degree in Botany/Plant science with the minimum of 55% marks (Candidate who has qualified NET/ GATE and experience in relevant area will be preferred)

Emoluments: Rs 12,000/- per month + HRA (as per the rules of Institution where they are working)

Duration of the project: Two years

Duly completed applications along with attested photocopies of all relevant documents should reach the Principal Investigator on or before 12 December 2013. The position is purely temporary. The short listed candidates will be called for an interview. The candidates called for interview will not be paid any TA/DA.

Dr. T. Parimelazhagan
Associate Professor
Principal Investigator, DST-SERB Project
Department of Botany
Bharathiar University, Coimbatore -641 046

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