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Application are invited for appointment of Pharmacist (Ayurveda), Pharmacist (Unani) in Government of NCT | 23 Opens

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The Government of NCT of Delhi is running 34 Ayurvedic & 17 Unani Dispensaries in various parts of NCT of Delhi. Purely on contract basis only upto 28.02.2014 or till the posts are filled up on regular basis; whichever is earlier on the following terms & conditions.

The appointment to the post of Pharmacist (Ayurveda/ Unani) is purely on contract basis upto 28/2/2014 only or till the post is filled on regular basis or the appointee completes 65 years of age, whichever is earlier. Thereafter the contract will lapse automatically unless extended if considered necessary. Appointment can be terminated at any time, on either side by giving 15 days notice. The government reserves the right to terminate the appointee by paying remuneration for half a month in lieu of notice without assigning any reason for failure to perform assigned duties to the satisfaction of the competent authority.

Post: Pharmacist (Ayurveda), Pharmacist (Unani)

No.of posts: 23
Pharmacist (Ayurveda)- [UR-8, SC-1, OBC-1& ST-2]
Pharmacist (Unani)- [UR-8, SC-1, OBC-2& ST-0]

Educational Qualifications:
Pharmacist ( Ayurveda)
(i) Matric or equivalent
(ii) Training in Upvaid or Bhaisaja kalpak course of not less than two years from a Government Organization or Government recognized Institution
Pharmacist ( Unani)
(i) Matric or equivalent
(ii) Diploma in Unani Pharmacy of not less than two years from a Government Organization or Government recognized Institution.

Age: above 60 years and below 65 years as on 1/4/2013.

The remuneration will be pay minus pension (Pay means Basic Pay + Grade Pay as on date of retirement and pension be taken prior to commutation.

The appointee shall perform the duties assigned to him/her. The competent authority reserves the right to assign any duty as and when required. No extra/additional advance will be admissible in case of such assignment.

The contractual appointee will not be entitled to any allowance, financial benefits or concessions as admissible to Govt. Employees.

Only Earned leave of 2.5 days for every completed month of duty will be admissible. No other kind of leave is admissible.

The appointee shall be on the whole time appointment of the Directorate of ISM and Homoeopathy Delhi and shall not accept any other appointment, paid or otherwise and shall not engage himself / herself in a private practice of any kind during the period of contract

The appointee will not be granted any claim or right for regular appointment to any post under Directorate of ISM & Homoeopathy, GNCT of Delhi.

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On appointment, the appointee will be required to take an oath of allegiance to the Constitution of India or make a solemn affirmation to that affect in the prescribed proforma.

The appointee is not entitled to any TA for joining at the place of posting on accepting appointment.

The appointees shall be posted in any Ayurvedic/ Unani Dispensaries functioning under Directorate of ISM and Homoeopathy

If any declaration given or information furnished by the appointee proves to be false or if any material, information is found to be willfully suppressed then the appointee shall be liable for removal from contractual appointment without prejudice to such other actions by the Government as deemed necessary.

The applicant is required to produce his original certificate of educational qualification, experience and PPO for verification at the time of interview.

The applicant is required to produce No dues certificate from the retiring department at the time of interview.

No T.A/D.A. will be admissible for interview.

List of the shortlisted candidates for interview will be displayed on Notice Board of Directorate of ISM & Homoeopathy at A & U Tibbia College Campus Karol Bagh New Delhi. No postal intimation will be sent to the candidates.

Candidates claiming SC/ST/OBC/PH/ any other reservation benefits MUST produce valid certificate acceptable under the Rules of the Govt. of NCT of Delhi.

a. Incomplete application (incompletely/ illegibly filled forms) or applications not having copies of essential certificates/ documents in support of their details given in the form) shall be summarily rejected.
b. The decision of the Director (ISM&H) regarding selection of the candidates shall be final and binding.
c. The Director (ISM&H) reserves the right to amend or modify any of the eligibility conditions or cancel the notification of the vacancies without assigning any reason.

The application should reach latest by 02/01/14 upto 5.00 PM either by hand or by posts to; the office of Deputy Director (ISM) Directorate of ISM & Homoeopathy at A & U Tibbia College Campus Karol Bagh New Delhi. Application received after 5.00 PM on 02/01/14 shall not be entertained.

Government of NCT of Delhi
Directorate of Indian System Medicine & Homoeopathy
A & U Tibbia College, Karol Bagh New Delhi-110005


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