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Apply Online for Professor at Government College of Pharmacy - 12 posts | Pay Rs. 1,44,200 pm

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Apply Online for Professor at Government College of Pharmacy

Applications are invited for the post of Professor, Government College of Pharmacy, Maharashtra Engineering Teacher Service, Group-A under the Directorate of Technical Education in the Department of Higher and Technical Education, Government of Maharashtra through the prescribed online method.

Post : Professor

No of posts : 12

Pay Scale :-  Pay Scale S-14 Rs.1,44,200/- (Initial Pay) plus admissible allowances as per rules
Qualification : Ph.D. degree in Pharmacy and First class or equivalent at either Bachelor’s or Master’s level in Pharmacy.
Experience :  (i) Minimum of 10 years of experience in teaching / research / industry out of which at least 3 years shall be at a post equivalent to that of an Associate Professor.
(ii) At least 6 research publications at the level of Associate professor in SCI Journals / UGC / AICTE approved list of Journals and at least 2 successful Ph.D. guided as Supervisors / Co-supervisor till the date of eligibility of promotion.
(iii) At least 10 research publications at the level of Associate Professor in SCI journals / UGC / AICTE approved list of journals till the date of eligibility of promotion.

Date of Calculation of Educational Qualification and Duration of Experience:-
Candidates must possess the relevant educational qualification by the prescribed last date for submission of applications as per the advertisement presented.
The period of experience will be calculated on the last date prescribed for submission of applications as per the advertisement presented.
Regarding claims of experience:-
It is mandatory for the candidate to mention Nature of Job Teaching or Research or Industry in order to qualify as per the experience claims as per the advertisement presented while making various forms of claims or updating the claims through the Commission's online application system. Apart from this, the application will not be accepted through online application system.

Selection Process
1. The educational qualification, experience etc. qualification mentioned in the advertisement is minimum and the candidate will not be eligible to be called for the interview for possessing the minimum qualification.
2. If the number of applications received pursuant to the advertisement is in excess of what is reasonable as per the provisions of the Commission's Rules of Procedure and it is not convenient to interview all the eligible candidates who have applied, the number of candidates for interview may be limited on the basis of educational qualification and/or experience or other suitable criteria beyond the educational qualification and/or experience mentioned in the advertisement. Or the number of candidates eligible for interview will be limited through screening test.
3. Qualification and/or experience will not be relaxed if it is decided to take the screening test.
4. Syllabus, medium of examination and other details (if applicable) of the screening test will be published on the website of the Commission.
5. Candidates will be recommended on the basis of interview marks only if no screening test is conducted, taking into consideration the screening test marks and interview marks combined.
6. Only candidates securing minimum 41% marks and above in interview will be considered for recommendation.
7. Selection Procedure for the Post Presented Associate Professor in Department of Higher and Technical Education, Government Colleges of Pharmacy, Maharashtra Engineering Teacher Service, Group-A (Service Entry Rules) 2012, All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) Notification, 2019 as amended by the Commission from time to time- It will be implemented as per this working procedure/procedure.
8. While preparing the final recommendation list, the ranking of the candidates holding equal marks will be determined as per the provisions of the Commission's notification dated September 12, 2022.

Fees (Rs.):-
Unreserved (Open) - Rs.719/-
Backward Classes / Economically Weaker Sections / Orphans / Handicapped - Rs.449/-
In addition to the above examination fees, bank charges and taxes payable thereon shall be additional.
Examination fee is non-refundable.
After clicking on the 'Submit and Pay fees' button which is available after completion of the application submission steps or by clicking on 'Pay Now' in front of advertisement/post/examination where the current status of 'Fees not Paid' is written in the list of applied posts under 'My Account' on the home page. Exam fee can be paid by clicking on the link.

Examination fee can be paid in two ways
(a) Online Mode :-
(1) Examination fee can be paid through credit card, debit card or net banking through any payment gateway provided by State Bank of India as well as through the system.
(2) While paying the examination fee, after deducting the amount of examination fee from the bank account, one should not log out from the relevant page on the website and/or the account unless the message that the payment of the examination fee has been successful (Payment Successful) is displayed on the page of the Commission's online application system and the receipt of the examination fee is generated,
(3) After paying the examination fee, the candidate will immediately know the status of the successful payment of the examination fee in his profile. It is the candidate's responsibility to ensure that the examination fee has been successfully paid and the transaction has been completed from the bank before logging out of the account.
(4) If due to any reason it is not possible to successfully pay the examination fee online within the prescribed period, a copy of the invoice can be taken for payment of the examination fee offline within two days after the last date of application.

(b) By offline mode (through currency) :-
• If opting for payment of examination fee by cheque, the examination fee can be paid before the prescribed last date at any branch of State Bank of India during bank office hours by taking the available cheque. However, care should be taken that it will take at least three hours to get the currency copy and deposit the fee in the bank.
• In case of unsuccessful payment of examination fee, re-payment of fee or receipt of invoice must be done before the prescribed date as per the advertisement/notification presented. If the transaction fails for any reason, the complaint in this regard will not be entertained by the Commission.
• Candidates who fail to pay the examination fee within the prescribed period will not be considered for the respective recruitment process. In this regard, it will be in the interest of the candidates to peruse the relevant provisions in the general instructions to the candidates on the website of the Commission.

Post Entry Conditions
1. The appointed person will be required to pass the following qualification/examination:-
(i) Where a departmental/professional examination is prescribed by the prevailing rules or where necessary, a departmental/professional examination as per the rules made thereon;
(ii) if the person has not previously passed or been exempted from passing the examination under the rules made in respect of Hindi and Marathi language examination,
(iii) Government Decision, Information Technology (S.P.V.), No. MatanSam-2012/P.No.277/39, dated February 04, 2013, Government Supplemental Letter, No. MatanSam-2012/Pr. 277/39, dated 08th January, 2018 and 16th July, 2021 or as prescribed by the Directorate of Information Technology, Government of Maharashtra from time to time in Computer Handling Certificate Examination.
2. Action will be taken regarding the probation policy as per the procedure prescribed vide Government Decision, General Administration Department, No. No.-Parivi-2714/P.No.302/Karya.8, dated June 22, 2021.

Brief details about the examination are given in the advertisement presented. For detailed details regarding application procedure, required qualification, reservation, age limit, fee, general procedure of selection, etc., please refer to the information provided in 'General Notice to Candidates' on the Commission's website The information published on the website of the Commission as well as the advertisement shall be deemed official.

Procedure / Duration of Application Submission
Application Submission Period : 29th August, 2023 14.00 to 11.09.2013 23.59
Last date for payment of prescribed examination fee through online mode : 11th September 2023 at 23,59
Date of receipt of currency copy for payment of examination fee by currency in State Bank of India : 13th September, 2023 at 23:59
Last date for payment of examination fee by cash : 14th September, 2023 during bank office hours

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