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Recruitment for Pharmacists (66 Posts) under Health & Family Welfare Society - walk in | Government Jobs Detail advertisement

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Bangalore City Health & Family Welfare Society®(BCH&FWS) under National Urban Health Mission intends to conduct walk-in selection purely on merit basis for below mentioned posts for one year purely on contractual basis with consolidated emoluments for BBMP Health Department

Post : Pharmacists

No of Posts : 66

Rest of Karnataka

Educational Qualification Total Category Back Log Posts Fresh posts

B-Pharma / D-Pharma Registered in Karnataka Para Medical Board


























B-Pharma and D-Pharma qualified candidates are considered for filling up of Pharmacist   posts. However, preference will be given for B-Pharma candidates in selection.

Posts for Hyderabad Karnataka

Educational Qualification Total Back Log Posts Fresh posts

B-Pharma/D-Pharma Registered in Karnataka Para Medical Board




B-Pharma and D-Pharma qualified candidates are considered for filling up of Pharmacist posts. However, preference will be given for B-Pharma candidates in selection

Consolidated Pay : 15,000/-

Important Notice:
No TA, DA will be given to attend walk in selection. The candidate selected in Walk in selection, must report to duty within 7 working days at allotted place.
BCH&FW Society® reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of posts notified.

Eligibility Criteria :
1) The Candidate must be a citizen of India.
2) Age Limit :- On the last date of notification, candidate should have attained the age of 18 years and shall not exceed the age as mentioned below:
General merit    : 35 years
Cat-2a/2b/3a/3b    : 38 years
SC/ST/Cat-1    : 40 years
For the posts of specialists Doctors only, the upper age limit is relaxed by 10 years.
3) The Candidates should have the knowledge of Kannada language ( to write, Read and Speak).
4) Educational Qualification:- As mentioned against each post in the notification.

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Method of selection :-
1)    The selection of candidates is purely on merit basis with no interview marks and on the basis of reservation as applicable.
2)    If the candidates are not available in reservation category on the day of walk-in selection, these posts will be filled up by available general candidates on merit basis.

General Conditions :-
1)  Candidates desirous of availing the benefit of reservation should obtain Certificate from the
revenue authority, not less than the rank of a Tahasildar of the concerned jurisdiction. S.C/S.T    : Form - D
Cat-1    : Form - E
Cat-2A, 2B, 3A, 3B: Form - F (The form must be obtained within the last date specified for submission of application and must be valid on the last date. That means the valid period of Cat-2A, 2B, 3A, 3B reservation certificates should be submitted as per the Karnataka State Government rules.
2) Candidates who are selected under caste reservation, should produce Validity certificate from Competent authority of the concerned district, who is the Chairman of Caste/Income Investigating Committee) within 02 months of selection order. Otherwise selection order will be cancelled.
3)  The candidates claiming reservation under Hyderabad Karnataka category must submit relevant documents in prescribed form.
4)  The candidate should produce physical fitness certificate at the time of walk-in selection.
5) No Canvassing or recommendation shall be made for the selection.
6) Candidate will lose the chance of selection if the document produced is found to be false document during verification. He should not assume that he has the right to get appointment if his name is in the selection list.
7)  At any stage, if it is found that the candidate has provided false information or is ineligible, the department has the powers to omit the candidate from the list or to cancel his/her appointment order.
8) Selected candidate should submit in Rs.100/- bond paper that they are agreed for contractual appointment terms and condition to Bangalore Health and Family Welfare Society ® and they also submit that not claiming for permanent post and approach the Court with respect to the selection terms and conditions. The contractual selection will be for 01 year and same will be renewed for subsequent years if required, with the same terms and conditions.
9) Provisional Selection list of Candidates will be announced in BBMP website
10)  If there are any objections, the affected candidates must submit their objections to Chief Health Officer(Public Health) & Member Secretary Office, N.R.Square, Hudson circle, Bangalore-02 within 07 Working days through Post/Mail/in-person.
11)  Bangalore City Health & Family Welfare Society® reserves the right to reject the candidature on the basis of the report of the Medical Authority that he is physically unfit and the discretionary powers of the Bangalore City Health & Family Welfare Society® is not limited in any aspect in this regard.
12) Bangalore City Health & Family Welfare Society® reserves the right to selection to the above posts.

Check list
>   Candidates should submit duly filled application form personally at the place of walk-in selection.
>  Candidates should submit two sets self-attested photo copies of all the required documents:-
•    Marks cards of all the years/semesters of the qualifying examinations as prescribed.
•    Degree certificates, registration certificate as required.
•    Proof of date of Birth viz. SSLC marks/TC etc.
•    Documents for claiming Reservations viz. SC/ST/CAT-1/OBC/HK.
>  The candidates must bring the 02 latest passport size photograph on the day of selection.
>  All relevant original documents should be produced on the day of walk-in selection for verification, failing which, candidature will not be considered for walk-in selection.

Walk-in Selection scheduled on 01-09-2016 to 03-09-2016 Time : 11.00am to 4.00pm on all three IPP Urban Health Research center, 16th Cross, Kodandaramapura, Malleshwaram, Bangalore


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