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Recruitment for the post of Pharmacist grade II in East Godavari District | 09 Posts

Clinical research courses

The District is a residuary portion of the old Godavari District after West Godavari District was separated in 1925. As the name of the district conveys, East Godavari District is closely associated with the river Godavari, occupying a major portion of the delta area. The Headquarters of the District is located at Kakinada. East Godavari District lies North - East Coast of Andhra Pradesh and bounded on the North by Visakhapatnam District and the State of Orissa, on the East and the South by the Bay of Bengal and on the West by Khammam and West Godavari Districts.

Applications are invited from the qualified and eligible candidates for filling up of the posts of Pharmacist Gr-II on contract basis, initially for a period of one year in various institutions in Health, Medical and Family Welfare Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh.

Post: Pharmacist grade II

No.of post: 09

Qualification :
Qualifications : Passed SSC, D.Pharmacy/Intermediate Vocational Course Academic along with Technical Education marks furnish seperatly

Age Limit:
Maximum age: 39 years for OC and 5 years relaxation for upper age limit for SC/ST/BC and 3 years for ex-service men and 10 years for Physically Handicapped persons Upto a maximum for 44 years. The maximum age shall be reckoned as on 01-07-2016.

Contract Remuneration Per month Rs. : Rs.21,230/-

The following documents are to be submitted in the following order only.
i) Filled in application form in the prescribed proforma (downloaded from the A.P. NICNET website “” only)
ii) Attested copy of Marks Memo of SSC or equivalent certificate,
iii) Attested copy of Marks Memo of Academic qualification certificate,
iv) Attested copies of Technical Marks Memos of all years and provisional certificates, Internship certificates and permanent registration of A.P. Medical Council,
v) Attested copy of latest Caste Certificate, (in case of SC/ST/BC)
vi) Attested copies of Study Certificates from Class-IV to X where the candidate studied
vii) Attested copy of latest Physically Handicapped Certificate issued by the Medical Board only (if applicable)
viii) Attested copy of Ex-serviceman Certificate (if applicable) ix) One self addressed cover of size 12 x 26 cm with postal stamps worth of Rs.35/-

Note: Candidate shall fill the application online and submit their application along with the necessary documents with attestation to the Dist. Medical and Health Officer, E.G. District, Kakinada on or before 10-08-2016 by 5-00pm and obtained acknowledgement.Applications which are received after due dates will be summarily rejected. District selection committee is not responsible for any delay.

All application covers should be superscribed on the right top corner as follows:- “ CONTRACT BASIS RECRUITMENT 2016 – APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF pharmacist Gr-II

Rule of reservation will be followed as per the Rule 22 of A.P. State and Subordinate Services.


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1) If attested copies of Caste Certificate/Physically Handicapped Certificate/Exserviceman Certificate are not enclosed; the candidate will be treated under “O.C”

2) If the certificate copy of residence or the study certificate is not enclosed the candidate will be treated as “NON-LOCAL”

3) If the attested copies of the required documents are not enclosed; the application will be summarily rejected.

4) No private practice is allowed during the contract period.

5) All the selected candidates shall maintain bonafide headquarters.

6) Department reserve the right to transfer the contractual employees to any other station due to exigencies of work or administrative reasons.

7) Any candidate furnishing incorrect information or making false declaration regarding his/her eligibility at an state or suppressing any information is liable to be debarred from recruitment conducted by the department and summarily rejection of their candidature for this recruitment and future recruitments.

8) The department/District Selection Committee’s decision is final; reserves its right and modify regarding terms conditions laid down in the Notification for conducting the various stages up to selection.


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