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Career as Pharmacist grade-II (149 posts) at Directorate Health services, Health & Family welfare department - Government Jobs

Clinical research courses

Online applications are invited by Directorate Health services, Health & Family welfare department, CG government for posts of Pharmacist grade - II at CG

Post: Pharmacist grade-II

No. of posts: 149
UR - 34
SC - 09
ST - 96
OBC- 10

Qualification: Diploma in Pharmacy from recognised institute and Current Registration in CG Pharmacy Council.

Salary: Rs. 5200-20200; grade pay Rs. 2400

Age Limit: on 01.01.2016, 18-35 years

Exam Fees:
For General: Rs 350
For OBC: Rs. 250
For SC/ST/handicapped: Rs. 200

Exam Method:
Time period will be 2 hours.
MCQs will be asked
For wrong answers 1/4 will be reduced


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Syllabus for Exam for the Post of Pharmacist
Course contents -

  1. Introduction for different dosage forms.
  2. Packaging of pharmaceuticals.
  3. Size reduction.
  4. Mixing and homogenization.
  5. Processing of tablets.
  6. Processing of capsules.
  7. Study of immunological products.
  8. Quality control of drugs.
  9. Structure of cell.
  10. Elementary tissues of the body.
  11. Composition of blood.
  12. Nutrition & health classification of foods.
  13. Dispensing pharmacy, Dispensed Medication, Semisolid dosage forms, Sterile dosage forms, Introduction for pharamacology, scope of pharamacology. Drug action on the central nervous system, Antacids, physiological role of histamine and serotonin, Drugs action on the blood and blood forming organs.
  14. Disease manifestation.
  15. Drug interaction :
  • Definition and introduction.
  • Mechanism of drug interaction.
  • Drug - drug interaction with reference to analgesics.
  • Drug - food interaction.
  1. Adverse drug reaction :
  • Definition and significance.
  • Druginduced diseases and tertogenicity.
  1. Drugs in clinical toxicity.
  2. Drug dependence.
  3. Bioavailabilities of drugs, including factors affecting it.
  4. Sterilization of surgical instrument, glass ware and other hospital supplies.
  5. Capsules, Tables/Parenteral Products.
  6. Packaging of pharmaceutical products.
  7. Pharmacokinetics.
  8. Clinical phannacokineties.
  9. Antiviral drug.
  10. Insulin and oral hypoglycemic agents.
  11. Antibiotics used in chemotherapy.
  12. Brief introduction and principles of ayurveda, sidha unani, Unani, Chinese and homeopathic system of medicines.
  13. Alkaloid containing drugs.
  14. Introduction of controlled and extended drug delivery system.
  15. Transdermal drug delivery system.
  16. Sustained release formulation.
  17. Basic concepts of Quality control & Quality assurance.
  18. Regulatory control.
  19. Drug regulatory affairs.
  20. Introduction to pharmaceutical legislation.
  21. An elaborate study of the following pharmacy act 1948.
  22. Poisons act 1919, MTP act 1970.
  23. Patents act 1970.
  24. Factories act 1948.
  25. Medicinal and toilet preparation act 1955.
  26. Drug price control Order 1995.
  27. Drug and magic remedies act 1954.
  28. Drug & cosmetics act 1939.

Date of Exam: 25th September 2016, Sunday
Exam Time: Morning 9.00 to 11.15
Start date to accept application form: 04.08.2016 (Thursday)
Last date to submit application form and online exam fees: 20.08.2016 (Saturday)
Last date to submit application form and get SBI Bank challan: 22.08.2016 (Monday)
Last date to submit offline exam fees through SBI challan: 23.08.2016 (Tuesday)
Exam Centre: Only Raipur

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