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Recruitment for Pharmacists at Indian Institute of Technology - 3 posts

Clinical research courses

IIT Kanpur is an Institute of national importance declared as such under the Institutes of Technology Act, 1961 to provide for education and research in various branches of engineering, technology, science & arts. The Institute is in search of suitable Indian Nationals for appointment on the following posts:

Post : Pharmacist OBC-1, UR-2

(i) Matriculation or equivalent with Diploma or degree in Pharmacy granted by an institution of the Central/ State Govt. or an institution recognized by the Central or State Govt. (ii) Should be registered as a “Pharmacist” under the Pharmacy Act, 1948.

Desirable : B.Pharma with two years of hospital experience.

Job Responsibilities :
To dispense medicines prescribed by the Medical Officers; to maintain Pharmacy records; to indent medicines; summarization, postings in the relevant stock registers, proper storage of the medicines needed for the use in the Pharmacy; to perform rotating shift duties including Night Shift and also to perform any other duties and responsibilities entrusted by the administration.

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1. Preference will be given to ‘Persons with Disabilities’, even where reservation is not marked in the table given on 1st page of this advertisement, if suitable PwDs are available.
2. (a) The Institute reserves its right to place a reasonable limit on the total number of candidates to be called.
(b) Fulfillment of qualifications per-se does not entitle a candidate to be called.
(c) The Institute reserves the right not to fill up the posts, cancel the Advt. in whole or in part without assigning any reason and its decision in this regard shall be final.
3. (a) The SC/ST and OBCs-NCL are required to attach a copy of the Caste Certificate with the application in the format prescribed by the Govt. of India [A copy of the same certificate shall be collected before the interview (wherever applicable), failing which the candidate concerned may not be allowed for his/ her personal interview].
(b) The Institute follows the reservation norms as per GOI rules for SC/ ST/ OBC and PwDs. Central Govt. approved list of SC, ST and OBC categories is applicable at IIT Kanpur.
4. The Institute reserves the right to assign/ transfer the selected candidates to any section/department within the Institute and appointments will be offered accordingly.
5. (a) The Institute reserves the right to relax any of the qualifications/ experience in exceptional cases. (b) Higher initial basic pay may be given to exceptionally qualified and deserving candidate(s).
6. The selection process will consist of : Written test
7. No TA will be paid for tests
8. (a) Institute will not be responsible for any postal delay.
(b) Interim correspondence will not be entertained or replied to.
(c) Any attempt to influence will lead to disqualification of candidature.
9. (a) The candidates are required to apply ONLINE only from 10:00 am on 10.08.2016 to 30.08.2016 upto 05:00 pm.
(b) For submission of application through online mode, please visit Institute's website:
(c) The print out of completed application along with all relevant supporting documents duly self attested must reach the Institute on or before September 07, 2016 through Speed Post or Registered Post.
(d) Incomplete application or without relevant supporting enclosures or if received after closing date, i.e. September 07, 2016, will be summarily rejected.
(e) Persons serving in Govt./ Semi-Govt./ PSUs should send the print out of completed application along with all relevant supporting documents, duly self attested, THROUGH PROPER CHANNEL. However, such persons are advised to also send an advance copy of their application.
(f) The envelope containing complete application should be superscribed as “Application for the post of ……………….” and must be sent to The Assistant Registrar, Recruitment Section, Room No. 224, 2nd Floor (Faculty Building), IIT KANPUR–208 016 (U.P.) INDIA.

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