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Recruitment for Faculty post in Govt. Polytechnic for Women

Clinical research courses

Applications are invited for Empanelment of Visiting faculty on hourly basis in Chemistry, Civil Engg., Mechanical Engg., Pharmacy and Commercial Practices for Govt. Polytechnic, Uttawar and Civil Engg., Mechanical Engg., Physics, Architectural Asst. & Computer Engg. for Government Polytechnic for Women, Faridabad. The essential qualifications and criteria for merit calculation are available on departmental Website: Application pro-forma is available on institutional website: or may be collected from institute.

The visiting faculty (including Instructors / Class - III) henceforth shall be engaged as per emergent needs arising due to faculty being on study leave / medical leave / maternity leave or any other long leave, creation of posts being under process, vacancies arising out of retirement / resignation / death etc. and also for newly started courses for which continuity is yet to be assessed as per market demand/admissions.

1. CGPA / GPA shall not be made the criteria for determining percentage/ merit of the candidate if actual percentage can be calculated on the basis of marks scored.
2.  In case, actual percentage cannot be calculated on the basis of marks and conversion factor of CGPA into percentage is also not given on the mark sheet, conversion factor of 9.0 shall be used for determining the merit of the candidate.
3. In pursuance of instructions issued by Chief Secretary to Govt, of Haryana vide their letter No. 42 / 178 /2008-GS 1 dated 21.5.2009. UG/ PG Degree & Diploma in Distance Education mode in Engineering / Technology courses shall not be permissible.

1.Visiting faculty (including Instructors / Class - III) shall be engaged strictly as per the existing approved nomenclature of the posts.
2.The Principal of the concerned Polytechnic shall assess the requirement of visiting faculty as per teaching norms / load. The minimum teaching load for engaging the visiting faculty shall not be less than 50% of the prescribed teaching load per week. For practical periods, the teaching load shall be considered half i.e. one hours equal to half for calculating honorarium as per FD instructions.
3.The Principal of one of the Polytechnics in the district(s) as Nodal Polytechnic, as mentioned in the table below, will carry out the engagement procedure after compiling the requirements of all Polytechnics (Govt /Society) in the district(s)

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Essential qualification

Prescribed for the post as per service rules of the department.

The marks shall be awarded on prorata basis up to 2 decimals. (For example, if a candidate has obtained 67.74% marks, the score will be calculated as - 67.74 /100) x 50 = 33.87)

50 marks

(For Workshop Instructors ITI=30 + CTI=30 or

Diploma = 60)


Senior Secondary (10+2) or Higher Secondary or Pre University or Pre Engg. or Diploma with minimum 60% marks for Lecturer in Engineering discipline/ Programmer /Foreman Instructor


B.A./B.Sc. with minimum 60% marks for the Applied Science Posts

The marks shall be awarded on prorata basis up to 2 decimals. (For example if a candidate has obtained 67.74% marks, Score - 67.74 /100) x Maximum marks of the Criteria )

10 Marks

(Not applicable for workshop instructors)



The marks shall be awarded on prorata basis up to 2 decimals. (For example if a candidate has obtained 67.74% marks, Score = 67.74 /100) x Maximum marks of the Criteria )

10 Marks


Higher Qualifications :

  1. Post Graduate Degree in Engineering with minimum 60% marks in the same line of essential qualifications for Lecturer in Engineering discipline/ Programmer /Foreman Instructor.
  2. M. Phil Degree in Applied Science subjects with minimum 60% marks in same line of essential

15 Marks


qualifications for the Applied Science Posts or UGC (NET) qualified for Applied Science Posts (Marks shall be given for any one of these qualifications)

The marks shall he awarded on prorata basts up to 2 decimals. (For example if a candidate has obtained 67.74% marks, Score = 67.74 /100) x Maximum marks of the Criteria )



Relevant Experience

(1 mark for every 1 year)

Relevant experience means teaching experience in the concerned Disopline/Course in recognized reputed institution(s) after the date of award of provisional degree of presented essential qualification to the post.

05 Marks


Interview - mandatory

(Maximum three times the number of candidates against the requirement shall be called for interview in order of merit prepared subject to the fulfillment of eligibility conditions)

Interview Committee:

  1. Principal(s) of the Nodal Polytechnic alongwith concerned Polytechnics. The senior most Principal will be the Chairman of the committee.
  2. Two subject experts not below the rank of Senior Lecturer in the concerned subject from any Polytechnic to be nominated by the Chairman of the committee.
  3. Representative of DGTE.

10 Marks

Total Marks


1. Temporary engagement of Visiting teaching faculty shall be discontinued in case of average pass % of students in all the subjects taught by him/her in that semester is below 50%.
2.In case only one subject is taught, temporary engagement of Visiting teaching faculty shall be discontinued if result is below 50% continuously in two semesters 
3.However, above evaluation shall not be applicable if the visiting faculty is engaged for less than 75% of total lectures delivered in that semester.
4. In marginal cases or cases with specific reasons, case with complete justification shall be submitted to Directorate office for approval of DGTE.

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