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Recruitment of Pharmacist (35 Posts) under National Health Mission | Government Jobs

Clinical research courses

Applications are invited from the desirous and eligible candidates to be engaged on contract basis for the following posts to be filled in different Districts (Blocks) of the State under National Health Mission,Himachal Pradesh initially until 31-3-2017, which is a renewable based on the individual performance and requirement of the Department.

Post : Pharmacist (35 Posts)

Consolidated pay : Rs 8,910/- PM
AGE: Between 18 and 45 years.

Essential Qualifications:-
(i) 10+2 in Science or its equivalent from a recognized University / Board.   
(ii)  Bachelors degree / Diploma in Pharmacy or its equivalent (only in Allopathy) from a recognized university or an institution duly registered by the Central / State Government.
(iii) Must be registered with Pharmacy council of the concerned State / Central Government.

Desirable qualification:-
(i)  Knowledge of customs, manners and dialects of Himachal Pradesh and suitable for appointment in the peculiar conditions prevailing in the Pradesh.
(ii) Knowledge of computer/ laptop working particularly MS Word

Note: In case the eligible candidates from amongst the dependents sons, daughters and wives of Ex-servicemen are not available, the posts will be filled from the respective residuary category.

The candidates who fulfill the requisite qualifications, experience and age criteria may apply to the concerned Chief Medical Officer,Himachal Pradesh on or before 20.8.2016 upto 4.00 PM on the prescribed form, alongwith Demand Draft of Rs.200/- in case of General (UR) candidate and Rs.100/- in case of SC/ST/OBC candidate, which can be downloaded from Website of the National Health Mission

The candidates will be shortlisted on the basis of academic qualification mark,experience and only five candidates per posts will be called for interview.

Application be submitted on prescribed format (attached) to the Chief Medical Officer of the concerned district under sealed cover subscribing "APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF.............................................

The district wise detail of posts ( which are tentative can be increased or decreased as per requirement) is as under:-




GEN- dependents of Ex.Servicemen= 1 post.


GEN-dependents of Ex.Servicemen=l post OBC(IRDP)-l. SC'-dependents of Ex.Servicemen=l jost   


GEN-dependents of Ex.Servieemen= lpost,Gen(UR)=l OBC-dependents of Ex.Servicemen=l post,


GEN-dependents of Ex.Servicemen=2posts. Gen(UR)=l, Gen-WFF=1. OBC-1, OBC’-for dependents of E.x.Servicemen=l post

SC-dependents of Ex.Servicemen=l post.ST- dependents of Ex.Servicemen=l post




GEN- dependents of Ex.Servicemen=2 posts.


GEN-dependents of Ex.Servicemen=l post.


GEN-dependents of Ex.Servicemen=2 posts. SC- dependents of Ex.Servicemen=l post.OBC-1.


GEN-dependents of Ex.Servicemen=l post. OBC(IRDP)=l,

OBC-for dependents of Ex.Servicemen=l post, SC-dependents of Ex.Servicemen=l post



GEN-2(one post for dependents of Ex. Servicemen), OBC-1, ST-l(for dependents of Ex. Servicemen),



GEN- dependents of Ex.Servicemen=l post GEN(UR)=1 post



GEN-dependents of Ex.Servicemen=l post SC- dependents of Ex.Servicemen=T post




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