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Opening for Assistant Dispensary Superintendent in Government Medical College & Hospital, Chandigarh

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Online applications are invited for Assistant Dispensary Superintendent in Government Medical College & Hospital, Sector 32, Chandigarh on temporary basis, but likely to continue.

Post: Assistant Dispensary Superintendent

No.of post: 01

Pay Scale in Rs.: Rs. 10300-34800 +3200 GP

Age: 18-25 years.

Age/ Educational Qualification
Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmaceutical Science/B- Pharmacy from a recognized University/ institution.
Diploma in Pharmacy from a recognized institution with one year experience in ‘he respective field. b)    Should be registered with the Pharmacy Council of India under the Pharmacy Act 1948. Desirable: Knowledge of Computer.

(i)  The candidate should apply only Online for the above said posts till 28.09.2016 upto 05:00 P.M.
(ii) The application is to be filled up Online on website by clicking on ‘VACANCIES’.
(iii)Before filling up On-line application, the candidate must have his/her photograph scanned in the jpg format, which should not exceed 15 KB in size and it has to be uploaded at the time of filling up of Online Application Form. (iv) On successful submission of form on the website, candidates are advised to retain one copy of the print-out of the Form, which will have Registration Number/Application ID printed on it, for further enquiry. (v)The candidates are directed to fill up all the columns carefully such as Qualification and Experience, Age, Category etc. as the information once filled by the candidate will be treated as final and cannot be altered at any later stage. The information filled by the candidates while applying online will be treated as final.
(vi)Online registration shall commence after one week from the date of Publication of this Advertisement and shall close on 28.09.2016 at 05:00 P.M.

a) 18-25 years.
b) Age relaxation (upper limit) to the posts mentioned above will be given. i)  SC - Maximum five (05) years
ii) OBC - Maximum Three (03) years
iii) Any other category - As per Chandigarh Administration Rules FOR

As per Ex-servicemen Rules 1982. In case an eligible ex-serviceman is not available for recruitment against EXM vacancy, such a vacancy shall be filled in by recruitment of Lineal Descendent (LD of EXM) of an ex-serviceman in respective category, subject to the conditions mentioned in para 4 Punjab Recruitment of Ex-servicemen Rules 1982.
The candidature of the lineal descendent of Ex-Servicemen shall only be considered if he/she submits the Dependant Certificate to this effect duly issued by the respective Zila Sainik Welfare Board Officer as per specimen given in the GMCH Website i.e. The Lineal Descendent Certificate issued by any other authority will not be considered and rejected straightway.

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Total Amount Payable

SC candidates for SC posts.

Rs. 250/- + Bank Charges, if any.

For all other categories

Rs. 500/- + Bank Charges, if any.

Ex-servicemen, Physically Flandicapped and the candidates, whose name are sponsored by the Regional Employment Exchange (REE), UT, Chandigarh are exempted from Application fee.

i) it is made clear to all the candidates that their candidature is provisional and further subject to the fulfillment of eligibility criteria, age, verification of documentary proof. In case, they do not fulfill the eligibility criteria, overage, their candidature will be rejected straightway and they do not fulfill the eligibility will not be called for Counselling under any circumstances.
ii) The candidates who are willing to apply for the above said posts must have the Essential qualification, experience etc. stated above, as the case may be as on 28.09.2016 i.e. last date of receipt of Online applications otherwise their candidature will be rejected straightway.
iii) The numbers of posts and reservation thereof are tentative and can be increased or decreased. The department reserves the right to reject/cancel any application or withdraw the posts at any time without assigning any reasons or without any notice whatsoever and under this situation, no application fee will be refunded.
iv) No TA/DA etc. will be paid to the candidates, who are called for the Written Test, Counselling etc.
v) The Written Test will be held in CHANDIGARH ONLY. Candidates with valid Application shall be issued Call Letters/E-Admit Cards on GMCH website. These should be downloaded by the candidates directly from the GMCH website by clicking at link “VACANCIES” by entering his/her Registration Number/Application ID and Date of Birth. Call letters/Admit Cards will not be sent by post. Copy of Call letters/Admit Card will also be sent to the candidates through email-ID and will be available on the website vi)    The claim of candidates belonging to OBC category will only be considered if the Caste of OBC reflects in the Chandigarh OBC list (List is also displayed on the website i.e. for ready reference).
vii) Mere appearance in the written test does not imply that the candidates are eligible for the post. The candidature of the candidates who have applied online and further appeared in the written test are provisional and further subject to fulfillment of eligibility criteria and verification of original documents.
viii) Candidates applying under any of the reserved category viz SC /OBC will be considered subject to submission of Caste Certificate on a prescribed format issued by the Competent Authority. OBC candidates should not belong to Creamy Layer. The Caste of OBC candidates must reflects in the Chandigarh OBC list (List is also displayed on the website i.e. for ready reference) failing which their candidature will not be considered under any of the applied reserved category and will be treated as UR
ix) The provisional final list of Eligible Candidates (PARA MEDICAL POSTS ONLY) will be prepared on the basis of marks obtained in Part-1 (90 Marks) and Part-2 (10 Marks) which will be displayed on the GMCH website of this institute for the information of candidates. In case two or more candidates secure equal marks/merit at last point, the candidate elder in age, will be considered for selection. Waiting lists will also be prepared in each category. Thereafter, the candidates will be called for Counselling in the ratio of 1:3 from the Provisional Merit List of Eligible Candidates.
x) There will be no personal interview, however, counseling as per merit (after Part-1 and 2 ) will be held for verification of original documents of the shortlisted candidates(PARA MEDICAL POSTS ONLY)
xi) The shortlisted candidates must bring all original certificates along-with one set of photocopy self attested. All the original certificates/documents will be verified at the time



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