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Vacancy for Pharmacists(03 Posts) at CCRS - Government Jobs

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The Central Council for Research in Siddha (CCRS), Chennai, an Autonomous Body under the Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India proposes to engage the services of the following personnel on contract basis, as per the details given below. The engagement will be purely on contract basis, initially for a period of one year. The selection will be made on the basis of Walk-in-Interview to be held on the dates noted thereagainst, in the Central Council for Research in Siddha, SCRI Building (III Floor), Anna Government Hospital Campus, Arumbakkam, Chennai 600 106. A written test will be held, if need be, depending on the number of candidates, followed by the interview on the same day, of those candidates, who qualify in the written test. The decision of the Competent Authority will be final in this regard.

Post : Siddha Pharmacist – 3 (UR-2, OBC-1)

Age: Between 18 and 27 years of age, as on closing date

Scale of Pay: PB 1 (Rs 5200 - 20200) + GP Rs 2800

Place of posting: Puducherry

Qualifications: Essential: 1. 12th Class or equivalent qualification with Science subjects from a recognised Board or University
2 Diploma in Integrated Pharmacy of two years duration conducted by a recognised Board/University/Institution with Siddha as one of the subjects (or) Diploma in Siddha Pharmacy of two years duration conducted by a recognised Board/University/Institution

Applicants are advised to read all the instructions carefully before filling up their applications.
1. The applicant must be a citizen of India.
2. All applicants must fulfill the essential requirements of the post and other conditions stipulated in the advertisement. Before applying, they are advised to satisfy themselves that they possess essential criteria laid down for the post. No enquiry asking for advice as to eligibility will be entertained.
3. Mere fulfilling the minimum prescribed qualifications and experience do not entitle candidates to be called for written test/interview. The Competent Authority reserves the right to shortlist candidates on the basis of higher qualifications/year of experience in the subject/other criteria. The decision of the Director General, CCRS will be final in this regard.
4. The period of experience rendered by a candidate on part time basis, daily wages, visiting/guest faculty will not be counted while calculating the valid experience.
5. The upper age limit, qualification and/or experience will be reckoned as on the closing date for receipt of the application (i.e 30.08.2016)
6. The candidates serving in Central/State Govt./Autonomous/Statutory bodies/Universities should apply only through proper channel and their duly forwarded application should reach the Central Council for Research in Siddha on or before the closing date. They should submit ‘NO OBJECTION’ certificate from their employer at the time of interview.
7. The No. of vacancies advertised is provisional and are liable to vary. This is subject to change without any notice.
8. DG, CCRS reserves the right to make any amendment, cancellation and changes in this advertisement in whole or in part without assigning any reason thereof.
9. Any corrigendum/ order regarding this advertisement or any kind of updated information, will be issued on the website only. Candidates are advised to remain in touch with the website for this purpose. No separate corrigendum etc. will be published in Employment News or in any other Newspaper.
10. Applicants will be fully responsible for accuracy of the information they furnish. Any information furnished by the candidate, if found wrong at any stage, will result in his/her disqualification and/or dismissal from the service at any stage and no correspondence will be entertained at all.
11. The call letter for the written test/interview, if applicable, in the case of shortlisted candidates, shall be sent by speed post. However, the Council shall not be responsible for any postal delay/lapse, whatsoever. The date of written test/interview, if applicable, will be displayed in the Council’s website.
12. The candidate shall have to appear for written test/interview, if called for, at his/her own cost.
13. The appointment carries with it the liability to serve anywhere in India 14. No Correspondence or personal enquiries shall be entertained.
15. Canvassing in any form will be treated as a disqualification for the post.
16. Any dispute in regard to this recruitment will be subject to Courts/Tribunals having jurisdiction in Chennai.

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Reservation and Age relaxation
Date of birth will be reckoned as on the closing date for the receipt of application (i.e 30.08.2016)
1. (Proof for DOB will be based on SSLC/HSc/Matriculation board certificate) 2. Candidates who wish to be considered against vacancies of reserved category or seeking age relaxation must submit the required certificate from the Competent Authority. 3. Applications not supported by self-attested copies of the appropriate certificate for the reservation category claimed, will be summarily rejected. In case the Council observes any false information or discrepancy in their certificate, their candidature will be rejected summarily. No correspondence will be entertained at all.
4. Certificate of Other Backward Class (OBC) for the purpose of Age Relaxation and Reservation will mean “Persons of OBC category not belonging to the Creamy Layer” as defined in the Circulars issued by Department of Personnel & Training from time to time. The candidates claiming OBC status should produce latest certificate of creamy layer status.
5. SC/ST/OBC/PH candidates are required to produce original community/PH certificate issued by the specified authority, at the time of verification of certificates. It is mandatory.

Application Fee and mode of payment
* Rs.200/- (Rupees Two hundred only) for UR/OBC category and Rs 100/- (One hundred only) for SC/ST category. However, PH candidates are exempted from payment of fees.
* Fees should be paid in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of Central Council for Research in Siddha and payable at Chennai.
* On the overleaf of DD, the candidates must mention- candidate’s name, Advertisement No., and the post applied for.
* Any other mode of payment viz., cash, money order, cheque & Postal order will not be accepted. Fee should be paid separately for each post, if applied for more than one post.
* Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances.

Candidates will be shortlisted on the basis of their educational qualifications, experience, etc. The shortlisted candidates will have to attend a written test and/or interview at his/her own cost. Final selection list would be prepared in order of merit as per the aggregate marks (marks of written Test and Interview, if applicable) finally awarded to each candidate taking into account the number of vacancies advertised.

How to apply
- Application form can be downloaded from the Council’s website. The application should be strictly in the prescribed format. Application in any other format will be rejected.
- Candidates applying for the post of Research Officer (Pathology) should fill in Form I and those candidates applying for the posts of Siddha Pharmacist should use Form II.
- Candidates should read carefully the Essential Qualification required for the post and ensure that they fulfill the same. Documents (self-attested photocopies) in support of Essential Qualifications/experience should invariably be sent alongwith the application. Do not enclose any Original certificate with the application.
- Paste your recent passport size photograph on the space specified in the Application form. Do not staple and do not get the photo attested. Application without photograph shall be rejected summarily.
- Please do sign in running hand. Unsigned applications will be rejected.
- The application form, duly signed should be sent in an envelope superscribed “Application for the post of Research Officer (Pathology)/Siddha Pharmacist”, to:
The Director General,
Central Council for Research in Siddha,
(Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India)
SCRI Building, Anna Govt. Hospital Campus,
Arumbakkam, Chennai – 600106

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Documents to be enclosed alongwith each Application
1.One recent passport size colour photograph pasted on the space provided in the Application Form
2.Self-attested copies of certificates showing age (Matric/SSLC/HSC), educational qualifications. (Only Mark sheets/Degree certificates issued by the Competent Authority viz. the Universities/Boards of Education concerned would be accepted as proof of possessing the educational qualifications)
3. Self-attested copies of certificates in support of claim of SC/ST/OBC/PH
4. Documents in support of Experience
5. Proof of payment of requisite fees, if applicable.

Invalid Applications
Candidates are advised to read all the instructions carefully before sending their applications; otherwise their applications are likely to be rejected on one or more of the following reasons in terms of the notifications: Applications received after the closing date (i.e 30.08.2016)
1. Applications not in prescribed format.
2. Application without documentary proof for change in name, surname / initial etc.
3. Applications without the signature of the candidate.
4. Applications sent through e-mail.
5. Candidates not having the required qualifications/experience as on the closing date for the receipt of applications.
6. Applications without latest photo not being pasted on the space provided.
7. Applications without documents (self-attested photocopies) in proof of Date of Birth, Educational Qualification, Category, experiences if any etc.
8. Candidates who are over-aged as on 30.08.2016
9. Application without the proof of payment of requisite fee, if applicable.
10. Applications of employees serving in Central/State Governments/ PSUs/ Autonomous bodies/ Universities not received through proper channel.

Last date for receipt of the filled in application
60 days from the date of publication of this advertisement in ‘Employment News’ (Dated 02.07.2016 and closing date will be 30.08.2016)
In the case of residents of Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Jammu & Kashmir, Lahaul&Spiti District and Pangi Sub-Division of Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep and for candidates residing abroad, the application alongwith the enclosures should reach the Council within seven clear working days from the closing date.
The Council will not be responsible for the postal delay.

No. of vacancies for all the posts may vary depending on the Council’s need. Complete details and the
application form can be downloaded from the Council’s website.

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