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National Institute of Immunology invites applications for the post of Junior Management Assistant

Clinical research courses

National Institute of Immunology is an autonomous scientific research institute under the Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt, of India. The Institute invites applications from eligible candidates for filling 2 vacancies (1-UR and 1-SC) of Junior Management Assistant 
The qualifications and job description are as under:

Post : Junior Management Assistant

No of Post : 2 (1-UR and 1-SC)

Pay Band- 2 Rs 9300-34800 with Grade Pay of Rs 4200 on direct recruitment basis.

Qualifications:    Graduate with minimum 3 years experience in the grade of Rs 5200-20200 in PB-I with Grade Pay of Rs 2400/-. Preference will be given to candidates having qualification in management subjects.

Job description:    Dealing Establishment/Personnel Matters and other related work as may be assigned.

Upper Age Limit:    30 years

General Terms and Conditions:
a)  Appointment will be made initially on contract for a period of 5 years with an initial probation period of one year which maybe extended or curtailed at the discretion of the Appointing Authority. Further continuation, if any, will depend on candidate’s performance during the initial period of five years.
b) The pay and allowances etc. are admissible as per the Govt, of India Rules. Other benefits include NPS, Medical reimbursement, LTC etc. as per rules of the Institute.

Applicants may kindly note the following before applying:
a)  The Upper Age limit is for General Category and is relaxable in accordance with GOI rules. Relaxation in the upper age limit to the reserved category (SC) will be applicable against the vacancies reserved category, as per rules. PWD candidates will be given age relaxation as per rules. For claiming reservation benefits, applicants should provide a copy of Caste Certificate/Disability Certificate issued by the Competent Authorities in the prescribed format, applicable for services under the Government of India.
b) All the qualifications should be from a recognised Board/University.
c)  The experience requirement specified should be relevant and should have been acquired after obtaining the minimum qualifications required for the post.
d)  Eligibility of applicants working in Autonomous Institution/Public Sector Undertakings/Quasi Govt. Organisations/ Universities/Recognised Research Institutions etc. would be determined on the basis of comparable duties, level of responsibilities handled and emoluments drawn in the present organisation.
e)  In respect of the candidates otherwise qualified, age limit, qualifications and other requirements may be relaxed by the Controlling Authority as per rules.
f)   Persons working in Government Autonomous Institution/Quasi Govt. Organisation/Public Sector Undertakings/ Universities/Recognised Research Institutions should apply through proper channel or produce ‘No-Objection Certificate’ at the time of calling for assessment, failing which the candidates shall not be allowed to appear for such assessment.
g)  Outstation SC/ST candidates called for assessment examination would be paid to and fro second class (ordinary) railway fare or bus fare, as per rules.
h)  Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification. No enquiries or correspondence will be entertained.
i)  Mere fulfilment of the minimum prescribed qualifications will not vest any right on a candidate for being called for assessment for selection. Only the candidates shortlisted by a duly constituted Screening Committee will be called for a written test. In case a large number of applications are received, the Screening Committee may limit the number of candidates to those possessing higher qualification or alternatively fix criteria as deemed fit. The decision of the Institute in this regard shall be final. No interim inquiries in this regard will be entertained.
j) Incomplete/lllegible/lneligible/Unsigned applications will be deemed invalid and rejected without intimation. Late applications will stand summarily rejected.

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How to Apply
Eligible candidates who are interested may submit their duly completed applications in the format given below latest by 27/08/2016 to Controller of Administration, Nil Post Box No. 10548, JNU Post Office, New Delhi-110067 along with attested copies of certificates of date of birth, qualifications, present position and past experience, valid Caste/PH certificate, wherever applicable, in the format prescribed by Govt, of India and a recent colour passport size photograph.
Format of Application:
(1) Name of the post and Category applied for (UR/SC) (The candidates who desire to apply in both the categories should apply separately);
(2) Full Name of the candidate (in Block letters);
(3) Parent’s / Husband's name;
(4) Gender;
(5) Date of Birth & Age;
(6-i) Caste;
(6-ii) Caste Certificate enclosed - Yes/No (please tick the appropriate);
(7-i) Whether PH-Yes/No(please tick the appropriate);
(7-ii) If yes, PH certificate enclosed- Yes/No (please tick the appropriate);
(8) Permanent & Correspondence Address;
(9) E-mail, Fax and Telephone No.(s), if any;
(10) Details of Qualifications;
(11) Details of Past experience & Present Employment;
(12) Present pay scale / present basic pay/Total Emoluments drawn;
(13) Names and complete addresses of three independent responsible persons (not relatives / friends) alongwith e-mail, fax & phone nos. as referees who can comment on the candidate's suitability and temperament;
(14) Signature with date.

(i) The applicants may enclose separate Annexures wherever required.
(ii) The applicants must ensure that the information furnished in the application form is true and correct If any discrepancy is observed at any stage, the candidature shall be liable for cancellation even after appointment.

Last Date : 27th August, 2016

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