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Invites applications for PhD programmes at University of Brescia

Clinical research courses

The University of Brescia is a medium-size university, modern and productive like the region of Italy in which it is located. It offers quality programs and competitive research in areas related to Health, Law, Engineering and Economics. The University’s aim is to continuously improve the quality of life of people and the environment of Brescia, Italy, and the world at large, by generating integrated cultural and technical knowledge and by providing training and tools to address the challenges of our times. The University of Brescia is engaged in various collaborative networks, both nationally and internationally

The XXXII cycle of PhD programmes has been established, with administrative headquarters at the University of Brescia, for the following three-year PhD programmes, A.Y. 2016/2017

PhD Programme in

Places with scholarships

Places without scholarships

The Institution and the Enterprise: values, rules and social responsibility: Business and Law (in partnership with the University of Bergamo)



Biomedical Sciences and Translational Medicine



Molecular Genetics, Biotechnologies and Experimental Medicine



Mechanical and Industrial Engineering



Information Engineering



Civil, Environmental, International Cooperation and Mathematical Engineering



Technology for Health






(2)  two scholarships are reserved for candidates holding foreign university degrees.
(1) one scholarship is reserved for a candidate holding a foreign university degree.
(3)  three scholarships are reserved for candidates holding foreign university degrees.

The programmes last for three years, starting from 1 November 2016.

For each of the programmes included in this article, information relating to: activated curricula, places available, research subjects, admission requirements, procedures and criteria of candidate selection and assessment for the drafting of a ranking list are found in Annex A - PhD programme data sheets, that form an integral part of this admission notice.

1.The admission procedure is open, with no citizenship limitation, to candidates who hold:
a) A Specialist or Master's degree or Bachelor's degree, pursuant to the university legal system preceding Ministerial Decree 509 of 3 November 1999, modified with Ministerial Decree 270 of 22 October 2004; equivalent degree awarded by a foreign institution and declared equivalent to the qualifications described in part a);
b) degree awarded by a foreign institution comparable in duration, level and disciplinary field to the qualifications described in part a).
2. In order to apply for a place reserved for students holding foreign university degrees, candidates must meet the requirements outlined in paragraph 1, part b;
3.Admission will be granted under the relevant conditions to candidates who apply within the deadline established by this Call for Applications and who will be awarded their degrees, as per paragraph 1, no later than 31/10/2016. Within 3 days of being awarded their degrees, candidates must send self-declaration (or the certificate obtained, in the case of a degree awarded by a foreign institution) to the PhD and School of Specialization Unit via email to: or via certified email (PEC) to: ammcentr@, specifying the name of the university that awarded the degree, the date it was awarded, the type of degree (old Italian university system, specialist/Master's degree) and the relative grade, together with a copy of a valid identity document.
4.Candidates who fail to provide notification of degree awards within the established deadlines or who provide notification that is incomplete, incorrect, sent by different means or to addresses different from those provided above will be excluded from the application procedure.
5.All candidates are admitted to the selection procedure subject to verification of self-declaration, pursuant to Presidential Decree no. 445/2000 and subsequent additions and amendments. The University may, at any time during the procedure, even after the beginning of the PhD programmes, carry out checks on the truthfulness of the declarations provided. In the event of false declaration, the University may proceed, with a substantiated decision, with the exclusion of the candidate from the selection procedure or from the PhD programme, without prejudice to any resulting criminal liability.

1.Candidates are obliged to present (as attachments to the online enrolment application outlined in the following article), under penalty of exclusion from the competition, the following documents and academic qualifications that are compulsory for admission to all the PhD programmes included as part of this admission notice:
a)Identification document: identity card or passport with clearly indicated document number, issuing body, place and date of issue, photograph, personal details, expiry date; b)Academic qualification: -    
For candidates who were awarded their degree in Italy: Declaration in lieu of certification (form downloadable from the relevant area of the online University Notice Board attesting to possession of the academic qualification, awarding university, date it was awarded, final grade and list of exams taken with relative grades achieved; -For candidates who were awarded their degree abroad: the documents as describe in Art. 3 paragraphs 2 and 3. -    
For candidates who have yet to be awarded their degree: Declaration in lieu (certified for citizens of non-EU countries) of registration to sit the degree exam with a list of the exams taken and relative grades achieved;
c)  Curriculum vitae et studiorum, undersigned by the candidate;
d)  Compulsory/optional documents and qualifications listed in Annex A - PhD data sheet for the specific PhD programme for which the candidate intends to participate;
2. Simultaneous to the online enrolment application, the candidate may apply to be assessed for one of the subject-specific scholarships, where applicable, by attaching an undersigned request to the application. The subject-specific scholarships will be allocated preferentially to successful full-time candidates, according to the order of the ranking list.
3.The documents described in paragraph 1, parts b), c), d) must be in Italian or English or be translated into Italian or English under the candidate's responsibility.
4.Only those academic qualifications held by the candidate by the deadline of this Call for Application will be subject to evaluation, without prejudice to that established in Art. 2 paragraph 3


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1. The admission test includes the evaluation of academic qualifications and relative examinations (written and/or oral test), according to the procedures and dates indicated in Annex A - PhD data sheets, included as part of this Call for Applications. The dates of the tests as provided in the data sheets are considered, for all legal effects, formal convocation. The dates of the competition tests not set in the attached data sheets will be published on the online University Notice Board of the University of Brescia website: courses at least 20 days in advance. Any modifications or additions to the test schedule will be published exclusively on the same web page. These publications are considered formal notification to all effects; therefore, candidates are obliged to present themselves, with no further prior warning, at the venue and on the stated day and at the stated time, with a valid ID document. The absence of a candidate will be understood as his/her withdrawal from the competitive examination procedure, for whatever reason.
2. Oral exams, only if provided for in the data sheet for the chosen PhD programme, may be undertaken in a language other than Italian. Only and exclusively where provided for in the PhD data sheet, candidates may sit the oral exam remotely, on the dates set for, through the use of an internet audio and video teleconference device (e.g. Skype). In this case, candidates MUST attach the completed "online oral exam" form, which can be downloaded from the website, to the enrolment application, under penalty of exclusion from admission to the competitive exams. The candidate must indicate his/her contact details (Skype address, etc.) in the admission application and guarantee the use of a webcam to enable his/her identification by the Admission Examination Board.
3. The Board makes certain that the conditions necessary to guarantee the correct undertaking of the exam are met (verification of candidate identity and the correct online communication for interview purposes). The university assumes no responsibility in the event of technical problems that fail to guarantee the correct undertaking of the oral exam

1. The Admissions Examination Board is appointed by the Programme Coordinator upon recommendation by the PhD Course Board of Professors and is made up of at least three permanent lecturers and/or researchers of the University.
2. The Admissions Examination Board assigns the scores and, at the end of each exam, publishes the results on the online University Notice Board.
3. The Admissions Examination Boards establish the evaluation criteria and the scores assigned to academic qualifications before the exams are taken, where applicable, taking into consideration what specified in Annex A - PhD programme data sheets.
4.The final ranking list for each programme is unique and is drafted by calculating the sum, for eligible candidates only, of the scores obtained in the qualification evaluation and those obtained in any examinations.

1 The student scholarships as provided for in the Call are allocated according to the merit ranking list drawn up by the Admission Board. In the case of equal merit scores, precedence is given according to the evaluation of economic status, determined pursuant to Decree of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies 7 November 2014.
2.Student scholarships, currently set at € 13,638.47 per year, per annum, gross of the expenses charged to the candidate, shall be paid in monthly instalments in arrears. The total scholarship may be increased by 50% for periods of research abroad for a continuous period of at least 15 days, if approved by the Board of Professors, for a total length of no more than 18 months over the three years.
3.PhD scholarships may not be combined with other student scholarships of any kind, except those granted by foreign or national institutes that serve to supplement stays abroad for doctoral research activities; Those who have benefitted scholarships in the past, even partially, are not eligible for scholarships. PhD scholarships have a year-long duration and are renewed on the condition that the PhD student has completed the programme of activity envisaged for the previous year, subject to verification by the Board of Professors.
4.  As of the second year, each PhD student is ensured a budget for research activity in Italy and abroad for a sum of no less than 10% of the gross annual scholarship (Art. 10 current PhD Student Regulations).
5. Students who receive scholarships awarded for a specific research subject are bound to undertake that subject of research only.


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1. PhD students are obliged to comply with the obligations set out in the current University of Brescia PhD Student Regulations.
2.PhD students shall comply with the activities provided for by their educational curriculum and shall dedicate themselves exclusively and full-time to their individual and guided study programmes and to undertaking their assigned research activities.

AWARDING OF QUALIFICATION Subject to successfully passing the final exam, the PhD qualification is awarded to PhD students who, at the end of the PhD programme, have achieved results of significant scientific value, documented by a final written thesis.

PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA The University Administration, pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/2003 (“Personal Data Protection Code”) undertakes to use the personal data provided by the candidate solely for selection procedure and institutional purposes. Participation in the competitive admission procedure, in compliance with the principles of the abovementioned law, implies the candidate's tacit consent to the publication of his/her name and competitive exam details on the university website.

1.The Officer in Charge of the administrative procedure is: Ms. Fabiana Farro, Officer in Charge of the PhD and Schools of Specialization Unit.
2. The University department of reference is the PhD and School of Specialization Unit, Via S. Faustino, 74/b-25122 Brescia (Italy); fax +39 (0)30 2988775; Public opening hours from Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 13:00 (Italian time); Tel. +39 (0)30 2988866: from Monday to Friday from 08:30 to 15:00 (Italian time), email address:

For all that is not provided for by this admission notice, please refer to the relevant national legislation in force and to the University PhD Programme Regulations.

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