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Faculty requirement in Sultan Ul Uloom College of Pharmacy

Clinical research courses

Sultan Ul Uloom College of Pharmacy was established in the year 1997, approved by AICTE, Pharmacy Council of India and Affiliated to Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad. The college has successfully completed 18 years of existence with excellent results year after year. The college has special distinction of producing 8 University Gold Medalists. The faculty and non- teaching associates have demonstrated teamwork in carrying innovations to upgrade the standard of quality improvement in the areas of Pharmacy education.

Post : Faculty

Assistant Professors; M Pharm first class with specialization Pharmacology, Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, & Pharma-cognosy, Pharm.D or PharmD (PB) with minimum 2 years experience.

Assistant Librarians; Degree preferably in Sciences. M.Lib.I.Sc, computer knowledge, experience in SOUL software, good written and spoken skills in English, 3-4 years experience preferably in Pharmacy/Engmeering College Libraries.

Lab. Technician; Diploma in Pharmacy/B.Pharmacy/Graduate in Science with Chemistry as one of the main subjects. Minimum one year relevant Laboratory work experience.

Salary : As per norms.

Interested candidates who fulfill eligibility requirements may submit Bio-Data addressed to the undersigned by post along with a passport size photograph and photo copies of all relevant certificates on or before 16.8.2016 Candidates called for interview will be informed by e-mail.

No T.A. and D.A. will be paid for attending the interview.

"Mount Pleasant" 8-2-249 to 267, Road No.3,
Banjara Hills, Hyd-34

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