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IIIrd UGC-SAP sponsored National Conference on Recent Challenges in Pharmaceutical Sciences & Technology at UICT, NMU, Jalgaon

Clinical research courses

Guided by focused vision and dedicated research and academic efforts, UICT (University Institute of Chemical Technology) founded in the year 1994, has established its own identity in the field of Chemical Engineering and Technology. The UG, PG and Ph. D. programs are offered by the Institute in Chemical Engineering, Pharmaceutical Technology, Plastics Technology, Paint Technology, Oil Technology, Food Technology, Nano-Science & Technology, Oleochemical and Surfactant Technology The Institute has developed state of the art with modern scientific equipments for R&D. Number of research projects funded by Government of India and other agencies are running in the Institute. The Institute is covered under FIST scheme of DST, DRS- SAP-UGC as well engaged in research and consultancy activities through its Ph. D. programme and various R & D projects sanctioned by DST, CSIR, DRDO, UGC, AICTE and different industries. The sophisticated instrumental facility covers FESEM, XRD, PSD, AFM, HPLC, GC, DSC, TGA, FTIR, High Pressure Homogenizer, Lyophilizer, UV, Dissolution Apparatus etc.

Pharmaceutical Sciences & Technology is the authoritative source of peer-reviewed research and expert analyses for scientists, engineers , research students etc. engaged in process development, manufacturing, formulation and drug delivery, API synthesis, analytical technology and testing, packaging, outsourcing and regulatory compliance in the pharmaceutical industries. The technologies prospects are immense for the invention of objects and solutions yet to be imagined that will transform our future world. The main objective of this conference is to provide a common platform for Academicians, R&D Executives, Scientists, Pharmaceutical Engineers and Industrialists to interact, deliberate, disseminate ideas, have sharing of knowledge in basic components of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Technology.

Submission Details:
Researchers, academicians and professionals interested to present a paper at technical session are invited to submit an informative abstract in MS-Word of about 250 words along with maximum five keywords. All texts should be in double space with 1- inch margins on all the sides on A4 size paper using a Font Times New Roman of size 12 and spacing 1.5. The authors should mention their respective affiliations and e-mail addresses. Soft copies of the abstract in specified format should be sent to rcpst2013@gmail com
Members from International and National panel of experts will review each abstract and its acceptance will be intimated to the authors through email only. The Size of the Poster should be 1M X 1M. Soft copy of the full paper not exceeding 6 pages in double column MS word format should be sent to organizing secretary by email.

Important Dates:
Abstract submission: 11th March, 2013
Intimation of acceptance:
12th March, 2013
Last date of Registration: 13th March, 2013

Delegate Fee:
Registration fee covers conference material, Breakfast, Lunch, Hard Tea and conference attendance certificate.
Industry   Rs 2000/-
Academicians and Teachers    Rs 1000/-
Students    Rs 500/-

Delegates are requested to send their registration form along with registration fees by Demand Draft in the favor of “Director, UICT, NMU, Jalgaon” on or before 13th March 2013



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