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National Conference on Biological Complexity at Karunya University

Clinical research courses

The Department of Bioinformatics Karunya University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, cordially invites you to participate in the National Conference on "Biological Compelxity. Towards the new era of patterns, models and networks" during 11th and 12th December 2013. The National level Conferences is organized to focus on the recent developments in various thrust areas of computational neuroscience & system biology, mathematical modelling of complex system and algorithm of biological networks. The conference includes invited lectures by eminent scientists pioneer in their relevant fields.

Karunya university imparts holistic education with a balanced blend of academic excellence, personality, development, values and humanism. Nestled in the foothills of siruvani, the ambiance around Karunya university is almost a camouflage to enormous wealth of knowledge, innovation and technology that lies within. Founded in 1986 with the mission to impart technical skills, at par with global standard, to the youth of India. It has extended to become a full fledge university with modern aminities and state of the art Infrastructure. The University has several undergradute, postgraduate and doctoral programmes covering vari­ous disciplines of Engineering and Sciences

The Department Of Bioinformatics
The department of Bioinformatics was inaugurated in the year 2005 and offers undergradute, postgraduate, M.phil, and Phd programs to cater the needs of the research community and the society at the local national and international levels. The Department have well equipped research laboratory with commercial softwares like Schrodinger, GCG, Discovery studio & MATLAB.

The venue of the Conference is Karunya University along main road 30 kms from the city and 40 kms from the airport. The venue enjoys a pleasent weather during December.

The proposed conference intends to provide arena for students, research scholars and faculties in discussing topics such as:

  • Pattern B model emerging from experiments
  • Mathematical modelling of complex system
  • Drug & Target interaction networks
  • DNA, RNA & Structural networks
  • Algorithm of complex networks
  • Protein interaction networks
  • Evolutionary networks
  • Cognitive networks
  • Metabolic networks
  • Pathways networks
  • System biology
  • Computational neuroscience

Techno quizz Sciencebuzz Biological Modelling Computronics * Event details

Important Dates:
Abstract submission on or before 22nd November 2013
Registration on or before 30th November 2013

Department of Bioinformatics
* Event Detail
1. Techno Quiz: Maximum 3 members per team Technical questions related to biology and bioinformatics
2. Science Buzz: Maximum 2 members per team Buzz related to latest advancement in field of science
3. Biological modeling: Maximum 4 members per team Design of biological model Participants are supposed to bring their own material for the event.
4. Computronics: Maximum 2 members per team. Biological coding Participant are supposed to bring their own laptop for the event

Entry fee: Rs. 25 / member

The applicants are requested to send in their abstracts (for paper/poster presen­tations) with affiliation and mail id to by 22nd November, 2013

Students: INR 500
PhD/Research Scholars: INR 700
Faculties/Scientists: INR 900

The registration fee for the Conference is applicable to all the participants. It includes admission to the technical sessions, lunch and refreshments.

Address for Communication:
Mr. Sachidanand Singh Convenor,
Department Of Bioinformatics,
School of Biotechnology and Health Sciences Karunya University, Karunya Nagar Coimbatore-641114


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