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JSS College of Pharmacy, Ooty Organizing Two Days National Seminar on Computer Aided Drug Design-Discovery of New Molecules 16th and17th August 2013

Clinical research courses

JSS College of Pharmacy is one of the oldest Pharmacy Institutes in the State of Tamil Nadu situated in the beautiful town of Ootacamund, popularly known as Ooty, was established in 1980 with the object of imparting quality pharmacy education in India. It is located amidst serene greenery, supported by learned faculty and with state-of-art facilities, the college provides enough opportunities to develop the individual in his / her field of expertise. Initially only Diploma course was started and subsequently graduate, postgraduate courses and doctoral courses were added. The college has been successful in maintaining high level of research activity recognized at the national and international levels.

Resource persons:
1. Dr. R. Nageswara Rao, Chief Scientist, Analytical Chemistry Division Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (IICT), Hyderabad-500607.
“Impurity Profiling In Development Of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs)”

2. Dr. Rao V. S. V. Vadlamudi Director, St Peter’s Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Editor, Indian J Pharmaceutical Sciences.
“New Drug Discovery, How Computer-Aided Design Improves Productivity.”

3. Dr Narasimhan Srinivasan,
“In-Silico Evaluation Of Multiple Target Therapeutic Action Of Triphala.”

4. Dr. M. Ravi Kumar, Senior Scientist Applications, Schrodinger LLC, Banglore.
“Advancements In Structure Based Drug Design: Application In Successful Discovery Of IND Against IRAK4 And ACC Targets.”
“Ligand Based Drug Designing Methods In Virtual Screening Of Novel Therapeutic Agents.”

5. Dr. S. Sankar, Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, J.S.S. College of Pharmacy, Ooty.
“Data Mining in Computational Drug Design”

Convener: Dr. Md. Afzal Azam, Prof and Head, Dept. of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Co-ordinator: Dr. B.Gowramma, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Pharmaceutical Chemistry


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