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National seminar on Emerging Trends, Challenges and Innovative Approaches in Clinical Research in India @ Bhagwan Mahavir Medical Research Centre

Clinical research courses

Bhagwan Mahavir Medical Research Centre, Hyderabad is organizing the National seminar on “Emerging trends, challenges and innovative approaches in Clinical Research in India” from 27th to 28th April, 2013 in connection with Mahavir Jayanthi.

Clinical research is a branch of medical science that determines the safety and effectiveness of medications, devices, diagnostic products and treatment regimens intended for human use. These may be used for prevention, treatment, diagnosis or for relieving symptoms of a disease. Clinical research is the key to the discovery of latest diagnostic methods and to develop modern drugs for treatment of diseases.

The seminar is organized with a view to provide a national forum for clinicians, scientists , educationists, pharmaceutical industry and policy makers , U.G, P.G Students & Research Scholars in Medical & Life Sciences to come together for exchange of views, ideas and experiences and to deliberate upon various issues related to Clinical Research. Abstracts of Papers on topics relevant to the theme of the seminar are invited.

The following topics will be covered
*Current trends in Clinical Research
*Drug Discovery
*Drug Development
*Phamaco metrics
*Multifactorial Diseases
*Infectious Diseases
*Cardiovascular diseases
*Neurological Disorders
*Genetic Diseases
*Biochemical, Cytological & Molecular approaches for Disease Diagnosis & Therapy
*Significance of the Bio markers
*Genetic counselling
*Ethical issues in Clinical Research

Abstracts of papers on topics relevant to the theme of the seminar are invited in various areas for oral and Poster presentation. Each abstract should contain: (a) an introductory sentence indicating the purpose of the study; (b) a brief description of pertinent experimental procedures; (c) a summary of the new, unpublished data; and (d) a statement of the conclusions. Authois are requested to submit abstracts not exceeding more than 300 words for review on or before 8th April, 2013. The mode of presentation of the accepted papers will be informed to authois by 10th April, 2013. Authors of the accepted papers will be requested to submit papers in MS-word format on a CD or/ through e-mail. The full papers should not exceed 10 pages on A4 size sheets with 1.5 line spacing, including tables, annexure and figures. The full paper should include abstract, introduction, Material & Methods, Results and Discussion and Bibliography. In the text, names of the authors should be used and the references should be arranged alphabetically. The full papers should be sent to nscr.bmmrc@gmail.comon or before 15th April, 2013.

Any individual wishing to attend this seminar must register by submitting the form enclosed duly filled. All the students/research scholars need to furnish a letter from their Department/ University certifying that he/she is the bonafide student of their Department/University. The registration fee covers the seminar souvenir, two days lunch, tea and refreshments. Advance payments may be made by bank demand draft in favour of “Bhagwan Mahavir Medical Research Centre (BMMRC)” payable at Hyderabad. The delegates are requested to send the drafts to the seminar secretariat


Before 10th April, 2013

Spot Registration


Rs. 600

Rs. 800


Rs. 2000

Rs. 2500

Students /Research Scholars

Rs. 200

Rs. 400


Rs. 400

Rs. 600

Accommodation will be provided on payment basis. A non-refundable advance of Rs.800/- should be sent for accommodation, if required. Efforts will be made to accommodate delegates in Guest houses. Those who wish to have accommodation in Hotels have to pay necessary charges depending on the type of Hotel. The balance amount can be paid on arrival.



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